Make sure that the power cable for the detector is not subject to tension
or torsional stress throughout its lifetime.
- Avoid using cables which are not long enough.
- Do not pull on the cables.
- Do not fold the cables.
- Observe a minimum bending radius of 15 mm in static assembly.
- Do not pinch the cables when using a retaining ring plier. The minimum
tightening torque must be observed (for cable dia. 2 – 2.5 mm).
- Do not mount position detectors near to ferromagnetic or intense elec-
tromagnetic fi elds (solenoid coil, soldering tongs etc.).
- Do not use the PVC cable in oily environments or with incompatible sol-
vents (consult us if necessary). Clean with an alcaline solution (soapy
Flexible applications:
In dynamic assembly the cable is subject to oscillating movements due to the weight of the connectors or excess
cable lengths which may cause the cable to break. We recommend using the cable cover and holder (available as
accessory) in the groove and observing a minimum cable bending radius of 120 mm.
- Observe the maximum/minimum (electrical, mechanical, temperature) operating ranges defi ned in this documentation.
- Any modifi cation to the equipment shall be subject to the prior approval of ASCO/JOUCOMATIC.
The magnetic detector fi ts directly into the grooves in the cylinder body. Detection of very small movements or very
short strokes means that more than one groove will have to be used.
Cylinder type PEC exists in double acting versions intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres caused by
dusts (ATEX directive 94/9/EC).
NOTE : PEC cylinders Ø 32 - 100 mm : 3 grooves in 1,2 and 3 (double acting - standard or ATEX version)
KN cylinders
KN cylinders
Ø 20 - 25 mm : 3 grooves in 1,2 and 3
Ø 32 - 100 mm : 6 grooves in 1,2 and 3
In order to control the max. end of cylinder stroke, the detectors
must be mounted in the following direction:
Reed switch/K cylin. Ø8-10-12 : cable oriented towards the middle of the cylinder
Ø16 front cover : any position
Ø16 rear cover : cable oriented towards the middle of the cylinder
Reed switch/KN-P2B/P2L cylin.: any position
Reed switch/PEC cylin.: Ø32-40: cable oriented towards the middle of the cylinder
Ø50-100 : any position
To the fi xed part