This mode is particularly suited for users who want simplicity, as it does not require much
interaction with the device.
This mode is the same as "automatic with notification" except that the device
AUTOMATICALLY accepts photo-mails WITHOUT previewing them on the screen for 10
seconds (photo-mails are added locally in a silent mode)
This mode is particularly suited for users who want simplicity, as it does not require any
interaction with the device.
Note: Once accepted, the photos arriving by email are stored in the "MY LOCAL PICTURES" menu
then "PIXSTAR" and "INBOX" sub menus.
6. Share Pictures with Friends Directly on the Device
The device allows you to easily share your pictures with your friends. To do so, press the
button while the picture in question is being displayed. Then, a menu will appear, which will
include the following options:
-To my friends: This item is linked to your contact list, as stored on the
website. You can quickly send pictures to all your friends or friends' photo frames by selecting
them. If you want to modify your contact list, you need to log in the web site.
-To web albums: By choosing this option, the picture will be sent to a specific web album that
can be accessed through your personal area on the web site.
-To another email: This option allows you to send the picture to another device or email address.
You will then need to enter the recipient's complete email address.
7. View Online Albums with the device
The device can display a slide show of pictures you stored online in your album via the web site.
To manage the device associated with each of your online albums, log on to your personal area
on the web site. Choose the "My web albums" menu to upload or delete
albums. You can also use the same menu to define which album will be displayed on your
Once the pictures have been uploaded onto the web site they can be seen and manipulated
immediately, and they should be visible on the device in less than a minute.
When in web album slide show mode, the device will automatically and periodically synchronize
its content with the web site.
When a picture is added to the online web album, the device will later add it onto its local
memory and slide show. When a picture is removed from the online web album, the device later
removes it from its local memory and slide show.
You can access pictures stored in your online albums from a large variety of providers such as
Picasa, Facebook, Smugmug, Shutterfly, FlickR, Mobile Me, Photo RSS, Padeleon, Koffeephoto, etc.