How to prepare your NightWatch for fi rst use
Step 1: Adjust the armband
You will need:
» Elastic strap
» 2 clips
» Arm module
» Ballpoint pen/pencil
» Sharp (fabric) scissors
The armband, consisting of the elastic
strap and the arm module, should be
adjusted to fi t the wearer. The armband
must not be too tight, but should fi t
snugly against the skin.
Use the elastic strap to measure the
circumference of the wearer's arm above
the biceps in a bent position. Do not
stretch the strap. Mark the elastic strap
at the overlap.
Cut the elastic strap at the marked point.
Attach the two clips to the strap as
shown below.
Tip: push one corner of the elastic strap
through the clip and then pull the entire
strap through the clip until it sticks out at
a length of one centimetre.
NightWatch user manual v4.0 v3.indd 70
NightWatch user manual v4.0 v3.indd 70
Attach the clips to the slots in the arm
module in a downward motion with the
ends of the strap protruding from the
lower end of the arm module.
Place the armband around the wearer's
upper arm, while making sure the arm
module is facing forward, a little above
the thickest part of the biceps but below
the shoulder. This ensures the wearer is
unlikely to lie on the arm module when
turning onto his/her side.
15-07-20 16:12
15-07-20 16:12