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Follow all chemical label instructions regarding where and when to measure and record weather
conditions for each chemical you are applying. The information presented with this product is
not intended to replace or override requirements set forth on pesticide or herbicide labels. If
no specific label requirements exist then it is recommended that three inversion tests be made
to assure accuracy of the inversion determination. These readings would ideally be made in
different locations within the field and completed both before and after the application event.
Documenting Your Readings
Most smart cell phones attach location data including latitude and longitude values as well as exact
time and date to every picture taken as part of the photo metadata. It is therefore recommended
that a cell phone picture be taken of the display on the SpotOn® Inversion Tester to document
the inversion or temperature display result. After a reading has been taken with the meter it will
continue to be displayed on the meter's LCD for one minute to allow time for a photo to be taken.
Pole Extension and Folding
Unscrew the temperature sensor cover. Next unlatch the pole from the pole clip (3) of Fig.
1 using firm upward hand pressure as shown in Fig. 2. Then unfold the pole and move the
sliding pole lock (2) of Fig. 1 fully over the flexible spring as shown in Fig. 1. When finished
using the meter move the sliding pole lock back against the stop collar and refold the
pole snapping it into the pole retaining clip (3) of Fig. 1 with firm hand pressure. Finally
replace the temperature sensor cover to protect the radiation shields from dirt or impact.
Changing Temperature Units
While the meter is displaying a temperature on the screen, press both the On/Off and Go
buttons simultaneously. This will cause the display to change from °F to °C or °C to °F.
Measuring Air Temperature at Boom Height
Turn the meter ON and wait for the current temperature reading to display after the
battery status screen.
No other buttons need to be pressed to measure current air
temperature. Hold the temperature sensor end (1) of Fig. 1 at boom height and wave
it back and forth until you observe a stable temperature value on the LCD. Please note
that a flashing temperature value indicates that the sensor is still adjusting to current air
temperature. Continue to wave the sensor back and forth until the displayed temperature
reading shows steady without flashing.
This indicates a stable temperature reading.
Inversion Tester Item #35010
2 m
6.5 ft
1 m
3 ft
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Measuring Temperature Inversion
Turn the meter ON and wait for the display to show current temperature, then press GO to
enter the first inversion reading sequence. Follow the on-screen instructions to hold the ball
end (7) of Fig. 1 at a height of 2 meters(6.5 feet). Use the Inversion Tester to set this height; it
is 1 meter long so it can be used as a measuring stick by placing the shield end on the ground
and noting the height of the ball end as shown in Fig. 3. Next raise the ball end until the shield
end is at this noted 1 meter height as shown in Fig 4. This sets the ball end at the 2 meter(6.5
foot) elevation. Press the GO button to start the reading sequence for the lower temperature
reading. While holding the ball end of the meter at 2 meters (6.5 feet) wave the sensor end
back and forth quickly to improve air flow as shown in Fig 5. (vigorous waving leads to a faster
response). Continue waving back and forth until the display beeps and shows "DONE". Now flip
the meter over so that the sensor end is pointing straight up towards the sky while continuing
to hold the ball end at 2 meters (6.5 feet) as shown in Fig 6. Press the GO button to start the
reading sequence for the upper temperature reading. Follow the previous waving and waiting
instructions until this upper reading is complete. The display will now show either "INVERSION
PRESENT!" or "NO INVERSION" based on the recorded temperature values as shown in Fig.
7. It will then show the inversion intensity in °C or °F. The display will continue to alternate
between the inversion result and the intensity for one minute before it automatically shuts off.
detects a stable value.
Therefore "waving" time will be longer when the meter is
placed in an environment significantly hotter or colder than where it was stored.
Inversion Tester Item #35010
3 m
10 ft
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
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