In order to watch the LIVE channel click Preview.
If the check box Next Time don't Show is selected the Setup Wizard will not show
next time. Otherwise ,it will pop up every time restarting the NVR.
On this manual the image are grabbed from 8 CHannels, then some pictures can be a
little bit different when You are configuring other devices.
In order to change the language used for OSD please check
>Device Parameters->Language Select . Select Language, then click Save. After
this changememt the device will restart.
In the live view screen, you can see a control bar showing on the screen.
3.3 HDD
Click on Disk Manager [
Disk Manager->Storage management, Record Retention Time=24Hr
Disk Manager->Deal with Hard Disk Full=Auto Overwrite
] and verify that the following settings are respected:
System Settings-