tp 837 835 Jungle Run INST 7725-A 03 09:tp 837 835 Jungle Run INST 7725-A 03 09 16/03/2009 15:33 Page 1
Lifetime Guarantee
Thank you for purchasing one of our quality toys. This product carries a Lifetime Guarantee against rust causing failure on
all galvanised steel parts.
TP Activity Toys guarantees to you the original retail purchaser that for your child's lifetime of outdoor play, rust will not cause
the product to fail structurally. (Failure is defined as rusting from the inside through to the outside
ie. perforation).
In the unlikely event of such rusting occurring TP will either supply replacement parts of the affected area, or replace the toy
if the parts are no longer available.
Galvanised products are very tough but they may require maintenance from time to time (as detailed in the Maintenance
Notes at the front of this handbook). Regular inspections are important. Any surface rust, staining etc. should be treated in
accordance with these instructions and are not covered by the Lifetime Guarantee.
This Guarantee does not apply to any part if damage has been caused by abuse, vandalism, misuse, accident or
non-maintenance or if the original purchaser resides outside the British Isles or Ireland. All other "non-galvanised steel" parts
are guaranteed for at least twelve months.
To be covered by the Lifetime Guarantee it is essential that you complete and return one Guarantee Registration,
listing all products purchased. As an additional bonus you will then automatically be entered into the Quarterly
Prize Draw.
This helps us to monitor and maintain our performance as market leaders in the design and manufacture of outdoor play
and associated products. It also helps us to communicate quickly with you should the need arise and to keep you up to
date with the developments in our range.
"This guarantee does not affect your legal rights."
Claim Procedure
Should a claim be necessary please write to our Customer Services Department, TP Activity Toys.,
Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 9EX, England.
We would require the following information and we recommend that you complete some of these details now:
Your name, address and daytime/evening telephone number.
Product Name.
Guarantee Number.
Date of Purchase.
Where Purchased.
Original Till Receipt.
Identification of the Affected Part(s) - Photographs preferable.
Please do not send products or parts at this stage as this may not be necessary.
This product's Guarantee Number is:
Designed in the UK by TP Activity Toys (Tube Plastics Ltd), Severn Road, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 9EX, England.
Made in England.
Customer Service:
Spare Parts +44 (0) 1299 872803
Technical Helpline +44 (0) 1299 872804