• To make sure you have everything you
need to install your new whole house
attic fan, unpack the carton and take
inventory. The carton should contain:
(1) Fan assembly mounted on
wooden frame
(1) Shutter packed in its own carton
(6) Screws with white-painted heads
for mounting shutter
(1) Cardboard template, printed on the
outside of the shutter carton
(1) 2-speed electrical wall switch and
Final fan
of hallway
Desired fan
Step 1: Select a central
location for the fan
• Your whole house attic fan is designed
for horizontal mounting on the floor of your
attic, usually above a centrally located
• In the hallway, find the center of the ceiling
by measuring half the distance between the
walls. Mark the spot with a pencil.
• Drill a hole on the ceiling mark and push a
straight length of wire through the hole so
you can locate it in the attic. Be careful not
to cut into the joist.
(Illustration A)
Step 2: Investigate
the attic location
• Go to the attic and find the hole you've
made in the ceiling from below.
• Locate the joist nearest to the hole.
• Clear the insulation from a 4 by 4-foot
area around the joist.
Wear work gloves to avoid skin irritation
from the insulation.
• Check for electrical and other wires or
pipes. If any wires or pipes are in the
way, you can have them moved by a
professional or pick another location
to mount the fan.
• Check the clearance above the fan location.
There must be at least 30 inches between
the top of the fan and the roof. Providing
enough air space above the fan helps
prevent the motor from overheating and
keeps it running efficiently.
Step 3: Mark the joist
• From the attic, use the test hole you
drilled in Step 1 to estimate the center
of the hallway ceiling along the joist.
• At that spot, drill a hole on each side of
the joist so you can locate the joist in the
hallway ceiling below.
Step 4: Use template to
measure the hole in the
ceiling for the shutter
• From the hallway below, remove the
shutter from its carton and lay it aside.
• Cut out the template (pattern) printed
on the outside of the shutter carton
with a utility knife. Note that the center
of the template is marked with an x.
• On the hallway ceiling, make a mark
between the two holes you drilled from
the attic. Find the center of the ceiling
by measuring the distance to the walls
on each side, and adjust the mark.
• Use a thumbtack or push pin to temporarily
fasten the center of the template (marked
with an x) to the mark at the center of the
(Illustration B).
Then, make sure
the template is straight by measuring the
distance to the wall on both ends. Hold
the template in position with thumbtacks
or push pins on the corners. Use a pencil
to draw a line around the outside of the
The ceiling cutout is for the shutter,
not the fan itself. Do not cut the hole in
the ceiling to the size of the fan assembly.
Step 5: Cut the hole
for the shutter
• Cut out the hole you have drawn around the
template, using a reciprocating saw, saber
saw or key hole saw.
(Illustration C)
• Place the shutter frame into the ceiling
cutout to see how it fits. Carefully shave off
excess sheetrock with a utility knife, if
necessary. Remove the shutter frame and
set it aside.
Step 6: Check the exposed
ceiling joist for stability
• From the attic, check the center joist
exposed by the shutter cutout for stability
(it should not rock from side to side).
• If the joist is stable, move on to Step 7.
• If the joist has too much play, install
stabilizers that bridge across to the joists
on either side. Do this by nailing down
2 x 4-inch boards perpendicular to the
(Illustration D).
The 2 x 4s must be
at least as long as the fan frame (32 inches
for a 30-inch fan and 38 inches for the
36-inch fan). The 2 x 4-inch braces must
be spaced at least 54 inches apart so that
a frame for the fan can be built between
Step 7: Cut off the exposed
ceiling joist and install
brace-back pieces
• From the attic, use a reciprocating saw
or saber saw to cut through the center
joist exposed by the shutter cutout,
leaving a 1
-inch recess back from
the edge of the shutter cutout. Be careful
not to cut into the sheetrock when you cut
back the joist on both sides of the hole.
• Using lumber of the same dimensions
as the existing ceiling joists (2 x 4-inches,
2 x 6-inches or 2 x 8-inches), measure and
cut two brace-back pieces and a framing
member if required for your shutter.
• Nail the brace-back pieces to the intact
joists on either side of the shutter hole,
as well as to the ends of the center
joist that have been cut off.
(Illustration E)