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_____________________ Owner´s Manual for Distilling Aparatus _____________________ FABRICANTES FELIGNEO, S.A. DE C.V Alfonso Garzón Santibañez No. 7 Col. Indígena San Juan de Ocotan C.P. 45019 Zapopan, Jalisco, México. Tels. (33) 31106077, 31106002, 31102168, 31102169, Fax. (33) 31106103. http::\\www.felisa.com.mx e-mail: [email protected]...
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Destilador. El evaporador (1) contiene el agua durante el proceso de evaporación. Los Los Destiladores Felisa se fabrican en tres tamaños 3.5, 7 y 18 litros por elementos calefactores eléctricos (15), calientan el agua generando vapor, el hora de destilado.
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VALVULA DESCONCENTRADORA. DISPOSITIVOS. Las funciones de esta válvula es mantener al mínimo la concentración de impurezas disueltas en el evaporador y así reducir, la formación de incrustaciones y evitar la formación de espuma. Todos los destiladores están equipados con un desconcentrador de Se recomienda dejar la válvula desconcentradora abierta un poco para que impurezas para retardar la formación de sarro, un dispositivo de nivel las sales y natas concentradas en la superficie del agua sean tiradas al...
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FEATURES. All Stills are equipped with a decocentrator to continuously deconcentrate impurities from the evaporator and retard scale formation. A constant level device with hot well arrangement is provided for evaporator water level control and for primary elimination of gaseous impurities.
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IMPORTANTE / IMPORTANT Usted ya cuenta con un año de garantía para su equipo. Si después de usarlo contesta esta hoja y nos la envía antes de 90 días vía fax o correo electrónico le otorgaremos automáticamente ¡Un año mas de garantía! You already have a one year warranty for your equipment.
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DIBUJO LISTA DE PARTES / PART LIST FE-390 FE-392 FE-395 Descripción/Description FE-391 FE-393 FE-395A Evaporador / Evaporator 31-3901 31-3921 31-3941 Condensador / Condenser 31-3902 31-3902 31-3942 Gabinete Exterior / Exterior Cabinet 31-3903 31-3923 31-3943 Tapa Evaporador / Evaporator Lid 31-3904...
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SCALE REMOVAL. CLEANING FREQUENCY. Soft scale may be removed with a stiff bristle brush, after cleaning all The frequency of cleaning will depend upon the purity in the water being particles should be flushed out with water. used, for example, the evaporator should require infrequent cleaning if it is fed with pretreated water;...
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C. Deionized water: When demineralized water is used as feed water, the deconcentrator valve may be kept closed. PLUMBING CONNECTIONS. Be sure that the fittings are tight in the Still accessory piping and connect the water and waste service to the Still. The Still is not designed to support the service piping, insure that the service piping is adequately supported.
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INTRODUCTION: EVAPORATOR. Felisa water Still are available in three sizes 3.5, 7 and 18 liters per Still evaporator are the vertical, cylindrical double wall type with air- hour. The distilled water produced by the Still contains no more than 1.0 insulating space.