NOTE: Preferentially, the new bundle must be placed over the previous one, so the machine has
been more uniform amount of product coming in. Than it will always do a uniform and on selected
size cut.
e) The forage jet will be thrown by the upper output chute (1).
Manioc flour production
For the manioc flour (manioc meal) production it is necessary to use JF 5D - 10D in the two work
configuration, as it proceeds:
a) Cut the manioc roots using the machine in the forage configuration.
b) Collect the product and let it dry at the sun.
c) After dry, pass the product in the mill using the desired sieve (see the chart of the page 19).
7- Maintenance instructions
7.1- Grease lubricating points
Lubricate each 8 work hours or daily the bearing of the chopper (see pictures below), using a grease
Recommended grease
Litium soap base grease Grade 2.
Lubricate after a work period, because the grease flows better when the machine is still
Use the commom sense regarding the amount of grease to be applied. Avoid