To adjust the angle of the electrode, place the centering pin on the sliding head, then slightly loosen
the M8x16 adjustment screws and turn the head manually so that the V shape on the centering pin is
at a tangent to the tube. Then, put the HF antenna in place by screwing it onto the sliding head using
the M03x006 screw and the M3 washer, then clip the other side onto the ceramic cup.
Note: For accurate adjustment, it is necessary to act on several parameters
simultaneously and repeat the operation if necessary.
IMPORTANT: Adjusting arc height should be done with care. In fact, most welded tubes have a slight
'out-of-roundness' fault. Depending on the grade of tube selected, particular care should be taken to
ensure that this adjustment is carried out carefully, in order to prevent the electrode coming into contact
with the weld bath. If in doubt, increase the tube-electrode distance by a few tenths. The standard setting
is equal to the thickness value.
It is easier to accurately adjust the tube/electrode distance by using a shim set between the tube and the
flat part of the electrode.
The electrode axis
aimed at the centre of
the tube.
Centering pin
Adjusting the angle of
the electrode
HF antenna
Axial adjustment of the
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
Ceramic cup
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - ZI Les Bosses - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
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