Quick Reference DVR MILANO
Using Internet Explorer enter the IP Address of the router
(Gateway) and press Enter, a screen will ask to enter the
user ID and password of the router, please find this
informat ion on the instruction manual of the device.
Please follow the installation manual of the Router to
create a rule for the 67, 68 and 80 port for the DVR IP
Address and TCP p rotocol.
NOTE: Please refer to the
website to know the correct way to configure the router
Please follow the installation manual of the Router to
insert the DDNS informat ion like username, password and
hostname of the DVR.
Now the DVR is correctly connected to the network.
Please make sure that the IP Address of the DVR is
inserted on the "Trusted sites" of Internet Explorer
Enter the Hostname of the DVR on the search bar of
Internet Exp lorer and it will be possible to view all the
7.3 Mobile phone network connection:
The image of the DVR can be viewed using a mobile phone, smartphone or PDA connected to the internet network. Follow the
steps below to create the connection: