LeakSmart Water Heater Kit
Installation Instructions:
1. Shut off main water supply valve.
2. Open faucet nearest water heater to relieve
water pressure.
Installation Instructions:
3. If you have a manual water shut-off valve on the cold
water line that supplies water to the water heater, shut
it off. Note that the top of the water heater will usually
be marked "Cold" or "Inlet" at the point where the cold
water line is connected.
4. Position the LeakSmart Valve so that the arrow on the
side of the valve is pointing to the water heater. Install
the LeakSmart Valve on the "Cold" or "Inlet" water
supply line between the manual shut-off valve and the
water heater.
NOTE: The LeakSmart Valve should be installed within 2
feet of the water heater so that the Leak Sensor can lay
flat on the floor.
LeakSmart Water Heater Kit