Intel D865PCK Referencia Rápida página 17

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I jh ] jZffZ
kbkl _ fguo
gZkljh _ d BIOS fh ` _ l
Self-Test (POST), ihke_ gZqZeZ l_ klbjh\ Zgby
Iheguc kibkhd iZjZf_ ljh\
Guide" gZ dhfiZdl ^ bkd_
Intel Express Installer beb gZ Web-kZcl _ Intel ih Z^ j_ km :
O programa de configuração do BIOS é acessado quando a tecla <F2> é pressionada após o início do teste de memória do POST
e antes do ínício do sistema operacional.
Para ver a lista completa das configurações do BIOS, consulte o Guia de produto da placa de desktop Intel D865PCK no CD-
ROM Intel Express Installer ou visite o site da Intel
Se entra en el programa de configuración del BIOS pulsando la tecla <F2> después de que comience la comprobación automática
de la memoria durante el arranque (POST) y antes de que empiece el arranque del sistema operativo.
Para obtener una lista completa de las configuraciones del BIOS, consulte la Guía de producto de la placa de escritorio
D865PCK en el CD-ROM de Intel Express Installer o consulte el sitio Web de Intel en
Troubleshooting LpfL8
technicznych Risoluzione dei problemi Résolution de problèmes Fehlerbehebung
Ihbkd b mkljZg_ gb_
Desktop Board D865PCK system fails to boot.
Ensure that the power supply cable with the 2x2-pin connector is plugged into the 12 V processor core voltage connector
located near the processor socket on the desktop board.
Remove and re-insert the processor, memory, and any add-in cards to make sure they are fully seated. Remove any non-
essential hardware components and boot the system.
Disconnect all power and remove the CMOS battery. Wait 10 minutes, then re-install the battery, reconnect power, and
boot the system.
A repeating beep error code is heard and the desktop board does not boot or show any video.
This beep code may indicate a problem during detection of the DDR SDRAM memory device. Check to ensure that system
memory is properly installed and that the DIMMs meet the Memory Module Requirements listed in the Supported Components
section of the Product Guide.
M6! ¡ S
D865PCK | Bù Ä
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DIMM Y ,õ + 0 ú Ü É { • Û + Ê Õ , X 4 ˜ Ê Ô 8 VN l Y ,õ + ? U " ß ë , X ? ˜ Ä
Intel Desktop Board D865PCK Quick Reference
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iZfylb b i _ j _ ^
gZkljhcdb BIOS kf . \ jmdh\ h^ kl\ _
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F ¨ ä
トラブルシュート Rozwi zywanie problemów
g_ bkijZ\ ghkl_ c
Solução de problemas Resolución de problemas
CMOS + " 4 Ä 1 Y
10 Ú J s È ' â G ¡ „ > ™ 9 + " 4 È G ¡ „ E ² yQ + $ d + 4Ú È J | 2 Ï 4 ³ Ä
deZ\ brb
<F2> ihke_ \ uiheg _ gby
aZ ] jmadhc hi _ jZpbhgghc
kbkl _ fu .
ih ijh ^ mdlm "Intel Desktop Board D865PCK Product
12 V Ø ) Ú <— + _ E ² y<Y È ! 8 E² y<! b M6! ¡ S
l _ klZ Power-On
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