Perforated areas
Inserting the aerators into the tank/tanks
The prefitted aerators are inserted into the SBR tank/tanks.
Positioning of the two-disc aerator
Positioning of the diaphragm pipe aerator
The diaphragm pipes should be fitted to installations with diaphragm pipe aerators only when access is no
longer needed to the tanks!
5. Installation of the setting-up kit
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Assembly information for pipe aerators
Wrap Teflon tape around stainless steel
thread 10 times
Seal any connections not needed with caps
Screw on diaphragm pipes by hand
Unperforated areas must be aligned to the
top and bottom
Do not install damaged diaphragm pipes
Screw on diaphragm pipes at end to avoid
the risk of damage
Positioning of the three-disc aerator
The aerators are weighted down with concrete
blocks. These are pushed through the downpipe.