Measurement Procedure; Before Measurement; Common Sources Of Error - ADC 6021 Manual Del Usuario

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5.6. Indicador de Luz de Tr a f i c o
Las barras en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla muestran el alcance de la presión arterial. Dependiendo de
la altura de la barra, la lectura está dentro de los parámetros normales; (verde), al borde; (Amarillo) on
en peligro; (ro j o ) .
La clasificación está basada en los standards establecidos por El Instituo Nacional de la Salud JNC7,
2 0 0 3
Indicador de la luz
de tráfico
La barra del semáforo levanta según su medida.
• si su medida tiene solamente una barra, su medida está en la zona verde, o "Normal" según
e s t á n d a res de NIH.
• si su medida tiene dos o tres barras, está en la zona amarilla, o "Pre - H i p e rtensio'n" según
e s t á n d a res de NIH.
• si su medida tiene cuatro barras, está en la "hipertensión anaranjada de la etapa 1" zona.
• si su medida tiene cinco o más barras, él está en "la zona roja de la hipertensión de la etapa 2".
Indication of a
Indication of a "Pre-
"Normal" Blood
Hypertension" Blood
Indication of a "Stage 1
Indication of a "Stage 2
Hypertension" Blood
Hypertension" Blood
• T h e re is a break of 15 seconds between the measurements (15 seconds are adequate
a c c o rding to "Blood Pre s s u re Monitoring, 2001, 6:145-147" for oscillometric instruments). A
countdown indicates the remaining time and a beep will sound 5 seconds before the 2nd and
3 rd readings will begin.
• The individual results from measurements 1, 2 and 3 are not initially displayed.
• If you want to see each of the individual readings making up a triplicate
reading, press and hold the Memory button for 3 seconds immediately after a
Averaging Mode Te c h n o l o g y™ m e a s u rement. Note: You can only see the
individual readings one time immediately following an Averaging Mode
m e a s u rement. See section 5.4 g.
• Do not remove the cuff between measure m e n t s .
5. Measurement Pro c e d u re
N o t e : You should always be seated before and during measure m e n t .
5.1. Before measure m e n t :
• Avoid eating and smoking as well as all forms of exertion directly before measurement. T h e s e
factors influence the measurement result. Find time to relax by sitting in an armchair in a quiet
a t m o s p h e re for about ten minutes before taking a measure m e n t .
• Remove any garment that fits closely to your upper arm .
• Always measure on the same arm (normally left).
• Always compare measurements taken at the same time of day, since blood pre s s u re changes
during the course of the day, as much as 20-40 mmHg.
5.2. Common sources of erro r :
Note: Comparable blood pre s s u re measurements always re q u i re the same
conditions! Conditions should always be quiet.
• All eff o rts by the user to support the arm can increase blood pre s s u re. Make sure you are in a
c o m f o rtable, relaxed position and do not flex any of the muscles in the measurement arm during
the measurement. Use a cushion for support if necessary.
• If the arm art e ry lies considerably lower or higher than the heart, an erroneously high or low blood
p re s s u re will be measured! Each 15cm (6 inch) diff e rence in height between your heart and the
c u ff results in a measurement error of 10 mmHg!
• C u ffs that are too narrow or too short result in false measurement values. Selecting the corre c t
c u ff is extremely important. Cuff size is dependent upon the circ u m f e rence of the arm (measure d
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