Read carefully before use. These user instructions in-
clude the necessary information for a correct use of rope
adjustment devices.
EN 12841:2006-B - Rope access system / rope adjust-
ment device type B / ascender. Must be used with two
ropes (core + sheath) static or semi-static - EN 1891 type
A 10 ≤ Ø ≤ 13 mm.
Full body harnesses are the only mean of retaining for the
body permitted in a fall arrest system. Attention! Specific
apprenticeship in the activities defined in this field of ap-
plication is mandatory before use.
The use of this device is reserved only for qualified op-
erators properly trained: do not use this device beyond
its limits or under conditions other than those for which
it was designed. The user is wholly responsible for any
consequence accident or fatality determine by an incor-
rect use. Whoever doesn't accept this responsibility must
not use this device. The implementation of PPE, doesn't
justify to imperil yourself to risks that can even lead to
fatality: the user is fully responsible for the risks he de-
cides to undertake.
Before use is required to: have read and understood these
user instructions; have received specific training in its
proper use; become familiar with its usage, performanc-
es and limitations.
Whilst using this equipment: verify that the system is cor-
rectly assembled, all components must not interfere one
with the other; verify that the equipment is perfectly com-
plementary and that is conforming with the rule and reg-
ulations in force. Attention! Always check the compati-
bility of your rope. Ropes might be more or less slippery
depending on various factors: type of construction, even-
tual surface treatments, diameter of the rope, water or ice
on the surface of the rope.
Before performing work at heights: it is mandatory to pre-
arrange a rescue plan to give immediate assistance to
the operator in difficulty; inform the operator about the
rescue plan.
Moreover: Always ensure that the health conditions of the
User are such to grant the safe employ of the device;
it is recommended that PPE is supplied to the final us-
er. In alternative, the PPE must be thoroughly checked,
before and after each use, by a qualified and author-
ized Inspector. It is prohibited to alter, modify the device.
Improper way of use are countless, only a few of them
are highlighted in these user instructions (crossed draw-
ings). Attention! Only the techniques indicated as cor-
rect are permitted. Any different way of use must be con-
sidered as prohibited.
2) mARKING (Fig. 3.1-3.2).
On the device are engraved the following information:
1) Name of the manufacturer or of the responsible for the
immission in the market. 2) Product model. 3) CE mark-
ing. 4) 0333 - Number of the notified body responsible
for the control of the manufacturing. 5) Number, year and
features of the relevant EN normative of reference: EN
12841:2006-B - Rope access system / Rope adjustment
device type B. 6) Pays of production. 7) Logo advising the
user to carefully read the instruction manual before em-
ploying the device. 8) Batch number. 9) 100 kg - Maxi-
mum work load permitted. 10) Correct way of use. 11)
ROPE 10 ≤ Ø ≤ 13 - for use with static or semi-stat-
ic ropes EN 1891 type A, Ø between 10 and 13 mm.
Verify the indications engraved on the device are read-
able after use.
3) NOmENClATuRE OF pARTS (Fig. 3.2).
A - Safety cover; B - Double upper slot; C - Locking cam;
D - Opening/safety/release lever; E - Grip; F/G - Fori di
servizio; H - Connection slot.
Check carefully before each use: there are no signs of
abrasion, cracks, corrosion; the cams rotate freely, with-
out jamming and the springs of the cams snap them in
the rope locking position; the cams teeth are present and
show no signs of wear; the connector placed in the at-
tachment slot is free to rotate unimpeded; the karabiners
lock properly; no dirt on the device (ex. sand); check the
rope for signs of abrasion, corrosion, frying yarns and,
stitches or swages, are in good state; carry out a function
test before loading the device; make sure there is enough
space below the user at the work station to prevent him
from colliding with the ground or other obstacles in the
event of a fall. Attention! In case you have any doubt
about the good state of the device, remove it immediate-
ly from further use.
During each use: always verify the correct placement of
the rope inside the device; pay attention using iced, wet,
muddy, dirty ropes and any foreign body which might pre-
vent the good working of the locking cam on the rope;
regularly check the good working conditions of the de-
vice comprising the correct placing of the other compo-
nents included in the system; make sure the connectors
are properly locked and the safety catch is closed; en-
sure the rope is always in tension to avoid possible free-
falls; avoid having slack rope between the anchor and
the attachment on the harness; take great care to pre-
vent the rope coming out when using it transversally on
stretched ropes.
This equipment is meant to be used in normal climatic
conditions tolerated by human beings (operating temper-
ature range between -29°C and +40°C). Enclosed to this
user manual, find an inspection card (conforming to EN
365:2004) which has to be properly filled in every part
and kept constantly updated by the user. If the inspec-
tion card is missing or unreadable, do not use the device.
During the use, it is essential for your own safety, that the
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