Pay attention to the following points:
1. The heat pump must be installed OUTSIDE in a well ventilated place to avoid air
recirculation or in a place with adequate room area both for installation and
maintenance. Please refer to the following illustration:
A minimum of 500mm of clearance from walls, shrubbery, equipment, etc. is required around the entire pump
circumference. This allows for ample air intake. No less than 2500mm clearance on the air outlet is required to
prevent recirculation of air. We recommend not to place the unit underneath eaves, decks, or porches, as this
causes recirculation of discharged air, or the efficiency of the heater will be reduced or even stopped.
Wrong installation
2. The heater should be located on a solid, level and non-corrodible structure that is
capable of supporting the weight of the heat pump. It must be fixed by bolts (M10) to
concrete foundation.
Don't install the heat pump close to a wall or
plants. And Never inside a closed building!