Basic Set-up Examples
Setting-up a Sine Wave Signal
Output a continuous sine wave signal with 50MHz frequency and an amplitude of 6 volts pk-pk from MAIN
OUT 1.
Starting Conditions
Before starting, reset the instrument to defaults as described in section 4.1 Initial Conditions .
Open Waveform Menu - Sine
Press the hard key marked Sine
Set the Frequency
The soft key labelled Freq will be highlighted - the current frequency appears in the edit box.
Note that pressing this soft-key repeatedly changes its function between Frequency and Period.
Use the numeric keypad to enter a new frequency. Press the numbers 5 0.
Note that, as soon as a number is entered, the soft-keys change to show units of frequency.
Press the soft-key labelled MHz to confirm a frequency of 50MHz.
Set the Amplitude
Press the soft key labelled Ampl
Note that successive presses of the Ampl soft-key changes the Ampl and Offset key labels to
HiLvl (high level) and LoLvl (low level) and vice versa.