Did you read and understand this Owner's Manual and all labels found on this
Child Restraint?
Is the Child Restraint positioned correctly (rear-facing or forward-facing) for the
child's size?
Is the seat recline angle correct according to the Level Indicator or Level Line?
Is the Harness adjusted to the correct position for the size of the child with the
Harness at or just below childs shoulders (rear-facing), or at or just above child's
shoulders (forward-facing)?
Is the Harness snug around the child and secured properly with the Chest Clip
positioned at armpit level?
If the Child Restraint is next to a vehicle door or panel, is the adjacent L.S.P.
device extended?
Does your child weigh between 5 and 65 lbs (2.3—29.4 kg)?
Is your child less than 49 in. (124.5 cm) in height?
Is today's date before the "Do Not Use After" date on the Child Restraint?
Did you check for hot surfaces in sunny weather?
If you answered YES to all of these questions, you are good to go, and please