Always be sure the center screw threads
are clean and well lubricated. Always be
sure the puller is seated properly and not
cocked at an angle. Always be aware of
hand positions when using slide hammer
pullers. Always use a three jaw puller
when you have the option. Always use
the largest size puller possible to do the
job efficiently. Do not overstress the pull-
er. Always protect bystanders and your-
self by screening puller operations. Never
heat the jaws of pullers. When heating
bearing or gears, be sure the torch does
not touch the puller jaws, because it can
change their temper. Never use any puller
with worn or damaged parts.
Selecting the
right puller
1. Decide which kind of puller
or pullers will safely do the job.
Remember: sometimes a
combination of pullers may be nec-
essary to get the best grip.
2. Decide the reach needed to do
the job.
3. Decide the spread needed.
Remember: The spread needed will
be determined by the width of the
part to be pulled.
4. Decide the force required.
Remember: If you have already
chosen a puller that
accommodates the correct "reach
and spread", it should have
enough power. When unsure,
always use the next size to be able
to supply extra force when needed.
Compare the "reach" and "spread"
of the pulling job with that of the
please revieW all Warning insTrucTions prior To operaTion. save This Man u al for fuTure ref er ence.
puller. The puller must have dimen-
sions equal to or greater than the
3"- 4"
3 Jaw Model Changes to 2 Jaw Model
1. This product can be operated
with 3 or 2 Jaws in internal or
external modes by changing the
jaw assembly.
2. To change the jaw assembly;
relax the round screw cap and the
pressure spring, and then you can
easily move the jaws from the cen-
tral cross arm.
3. When operating this
product, position jaws correctly
so that they are secure. This will
decrease the chance of damage
to the accessories.
4. After operating, please main-
tain all parts and keep all accesso-
ries clean.
or convert for Internal Pulling