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The Respironics DC Cord can be used to operate Respironics' CPAP Systems where AC is not available. It plugs into a
standard cigarette lighter socket found in automotive vehicles.
If you frequently operate your Respironics System using DC power, have your home care provider set your prescribed
pressure while the unit is operating on DC power. There may be a slight (less than 0.5 cm H
the unit is switched from AC power operation to DC power operation.
WARNING: This cord will allow all of the Respironics CPAP Systems to function throughout their entire
pressure ranges except for the REMstar
REMstar Systems for pressures of 11 cm H
CAUTION: The DC Cord is intended for use on 12 volt "positive hot" electrical systems. These systems may also be
referred to as "negative ground" systems. If you are unsure about your electrical system's polarity, check
with the vehicle manufacturer. Using 12 volt "negative hot" electrical systems may damage the unit and
vehicle's electrical system.
CAUTION: DO NOT leave the DC Cord plugged into your vehicle when the unit is not in use.
The battery should be fully charged before use. A fully charged, properly operating, 12 volt
battery should be able to power your Respironics unit for approximately 8 hours. See
specifications for battery requirements.
The DC Cord is shipped with a 3 amp fuse already installed. The 3 amp fuse is for use with Solo
LX, Solo Plus LX, REMstar
LX, REMstar Plus LX, Aria
REMstar Auto, REMstar Nova, Somnia or Phönix Systems. If you are using the DC Cord with a SleepEasy,
REMstar, Aria, Virtuoso, Harmony
fuse. Unscrew and remove the DC Cord's cap. Remove the 3 amp fuse and install the 7 amp fuse if you are using a
Synchrony System or a 5 amp fuse if it is one of the other types of units. Replace the cap.
Step 1 - Plug the connector end of the DC Cord into the DC power connector on the
Respironics unit.
Step 2 - Remove the cigarette lighter from its socket. Plug the cigarette adapter end of
the cord into the cigarette lighter socket. The light (LED) on the cord will
light when the connections are complete.
Cord Polarity:
Cord Length:
Electrical Requirements:
Power Consumption:
Fuse Replacement:
Systems. This DC power cord can only be used with the
O or lower.
LX, Virtuoso
S/T, Duet LX, BiPAP
Pro or Synchrony
The connector end of the cord is constructed so that the outside of the barrel is ground, and the inside of the barrel is
positive. The cigarette adapter end of the cord is constructed so that the center pin is positive and the outside tab is
Six Feet (1.83 m)
12 VDC
Actual power consumption will vary according to prescription pressures and breathing patterns. The lower the prescription,
the less power that is required.
WARNING: When the DC Cord is used with REMstar Systems, it can only be used for prescription pressures of 11 cm H
or less. Any attempts to use the DC Cord with the REMstar for pressures greater than 11 cm H
pressures being delivered.
CAUTION: Use only Respironics 7 amp, 5 amp, or 3 amp DC Cord Fuses.
O) drop in pressure when
, Solo Plus, Solo
LX, REMstar Plus, REMstar Pro,
System, you must change the
DC Cord Replacement Fuses, 7 amp (2 ea.)
(for use with Synchrony)
DC Cord Replacement Fuses, 5 amp (2 ea.)
(for use with SleepEasy, REMstar, Aria, Virtuoso, Harmony S/T, Duet LX, BiPAP Pro)
DC Cord Replacement Fuses, 3 amp (2 ea.)
(for use with Solo, Solo Plus, Solo LX, Solo Plus LX, REMstar LX, REMstar Plus LX, Aria LX,
Virtuoso LX, REMstar Plus, REMstar Pro, REMstar Auto, REMstar Nova, Somnia, Phönix)
Shielded DC Cord
Reorder #1001956
O will result in inadequate
JR 11/27/01
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Respironics 1001956

  • Página 1 Reorder #1001956 ® The Respironics DC Cord can be used to operate Respironics’ CPAP Systems where AC is not available. It plugs into a standard cigarette lighter socket found in automotive vehicles. If you frequently operate your Respironics System using DC power, have your home care provider set your prescribed pressure while the unit is operating on DC power.
  • Página 2: Avant Emploi

    Réf. de commande n° 1001956 ® Le cordon CC de Respironics peut être utilisé pour alimenter les systèmes PPC Respironics lorsque le courant du secteur n’est pas accessible. Il se branche sur un allume-cigare standard. Si vous vous servez fréquemment du système Respironics en courant continu, faites régler la pression prescrite par votre prestataire de soins à...
  • Página 3: Cable Apantallado

    Se conecta al encendedor de cigarrillos estándar de cualquier automóvil. Si utiliza con frecuencia su sistema Respironics con corriente continua, solicite a su proveedor que fije la presión que debe utilizar cuando la unidad esté funcionando con CC. Cuando la unidad pasa de funcionar con CA a hacerlo con CC, puede producirse una pequeña caída de la presión (menos de 0,5 cm H...
  • Página 4: Vor Dem Gebrauch

    Bestellnummer 1001956 ® Das Gleichstromkabel von Respironics kann für den Betrieb von CPAP-Systemen verwendet werden, wenn kein Wechselstrom zur Verfügung steht. Es ist an einen üblichen Kraftfahrzeug-Zigarettenanzünder anschließbar. Wenn Sie Ihr Respironics-System häufig mit Gleichstrom betreiben, sollten Sie den Ihnen verschriebenen Druck überprüfen lassen, während das Therapiegerät mit Gleichstrom betrieben wird.
  • Página 5: Prima Dell'uso

    Può essere collegato alle normali prese per accendisigari delle automobili. Se si usa spesso il sistema Respironics con corrente continua, si consiglia di chiedere al distributore di prodotti per uso domiciliare di impostare la pressione corretta mentre l’unità è in funzione e alimentata con corrente continua. Quando l’alimentazione dell’unità...
  • Página 6: Före Användning

    Sladden sticks in i det uttag för cigarettändare som är standard i många fordon. Om du ofta använder dig av ditt Respironics-system och strömmen är likström, ska du be din leverantör att ställa in det föreskrivna trycket samtidigt som apparaten körs på likström. Ett visst tryckfall (på mindre än 0,5 cm H O) kan förekomma när du skiftar från växelström till likström.
  • Página 7 (AC). Alle kan indsættes i et standard cigaretlighterstik, som findes i biler. Såfremt du ofte anvender dit Respironics system ved hjælp af DC-strøm, så få din hjemmeplejeleverandør til at indstille det tryk, du har fået ordineret, mens enheden arbejder på DC-strøm. Der kan forekomme et let (mindre end 0,5 cm H trykfald, idet enheden slås over fra AC-strøm til at arbejde på...
  • Página 8: Voor Gebruik

    Elk snoer kan worden aangesloten op een standaard aanstekerbus in motorvoertuigen. Indien u regelmatig gelijkstroom gebruikt om uw Respironics-systeem te bekrachtigen, dient u uw thuiszorgverlener de voorgeschreven druk te laten instellen terwijl de eenheid op gelijkstroom werkt. Het is mogelijk dat er een lichte drukdaling (minder dan 0,5 cm H O) is wanneer de eenheid wordt omgeschakeld van wisselstroom naar gelijkstroom.
  • Página 9: Ennen Käyttöä

    Respironicsin tasavirtajohtojen avulla Respironicsin CPAP- järjestelmiä voidaan käyttää paikoissa, joissa ei ole verkkovirtaa. Johdot liitetään normaaliin auton tupakansytyttimen pistukkaan. Jos Respironics-järjestelmää käytetään usein tasavirralla, pyydä kotihoitajaa säätämään laitteeseen sinulle määrätty hoitopaine laitteen toimiessa tasavirralla. Paine voi laskea hieman (alle 0,5 cm H O), kun laite kytketään verkkovirrasta...
  • Página 10 Bestillingsnr. 1001956 ® Respironics likestrømsledninger kan brukes til å betjene Respironics CPAP- systemer når vekselstrøm ikke er tilgjengelig. Hver ledning passer inn i uttaket til en standard sigarett-tenner i biler. Dersom du ofte betjener Respironics-systemet med likestrøm, skal din hjemmepleier innstille ditt foreskrevne trykk mens enheten kjører på...
  • Página 11: Cabo Blindado De Cc

    ® Os Cabos de CC da Respironics podem ser usados para operar os Sistemas de CPAP da Respironics, quando não houver acesso a CA. Cada cabo pode ser ligado a um isqueiro de carro standard existente em todos os automóveis.
  • Página 12 DC Ì ÙÔ REMstar ÁÈ· ȤÛÂȘ ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˜ · fi 11 ÂÎ. H O ı· ¤¯ÂÈ ˆ˜ · ÔÙ¤ÏÂÛÌ· ÙËÓ ·ÚÔ¯‹ ·Ó ·ÚÎÔ‡˜ ›ÂÛ˘. ∞ÓÙÈηٿÛÙ·ÛË ∞ÛÊ¿ÏÂÈ·˜: ¶ƒ√™√Ã∏: ÃÚËÛÈÌÔ ÔÈ‹ÛÙ ÌfiÓÔ ∞ÛÊ¿ÏÂȘ ∫·Ïˆ‰›Ô˘ ™˘Ó¯ԇ˜ ƒÂ‡Ì·ÙÔ˜ 7 ·Ì ¤Ú, 5 ·Ì ¤Ú ‹ 3 ·Ì ¤Ú Ù˘ Respironics. ∞Ú. ¶·Ú·ÁÁÂÏ›·˜ ∞ÓÙÈÎÂÈ̤ÓÔ˘...

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