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Be especially careful never to use the following
materials as fuel in your fi replace:
Household rubbish, plastic bags, etc.
Painted or impregnated timber (which is extremely toxic).
Laminated wooden planks.
These may harm the product and are also pollutants.
NB: Never use petrol, paraffi n, methylated spirit or similar
liquids to light the fi re. You may cause serious injury to
yourself and damage to the product.
Wood consumption
Jøtul F 602 ECO has a nominal heat output of ca. 5 kW. Use
of wood, with nominal heat emission: Approx. 1,5 kg/h. The
size of the logs should be:
Length: 25-33 cm
Diameter: 5 cm
Amount per fi re: 5-8 pieces
Firewood (split logs):
Length: Ca 19 - 33 cm
Diameter: Approx. 4-7 cm
Intervals for adding wood: Approximately every 50 minutes
Size of the fi re: 1.4 kg (nominal effi ciency)
Amount per load: 2 pieces
The given testresults have been obtained by loading 2 logs á
19 cm, total weight of 1,4 kh.The logs are laid across. Valve
set for about 40 % air, about 10 mm in from the edge.
5.1 How wind and weather aff ect the
The performance of the stove can be aff ected considerably by
the wind acting on the chimney at diff erent strengths. It may
therefore be necessary to adjust the air supply to ensure good
combustion performance. It might also be a good idea to install
a damper in the fl ue pipe so that the chimney draught can be
regulated according to the strength of the wind.
Fog and mist can have a signifi cant impact on the chimney
draught and it might be necessary to use other combustion air
settings to ensure good performance.
5.2 The importance of the chimney
The chimney is the engine that drives the fi replace and it's
essential to have a good chimney in order for the fi replace
to function properly.
The draught in the chimney creates a vacuum in the stove.
The combustion air is also used for the airwash system that
keeps the window clear of soot.
The draught in the chimney is caused by the diff erence in
temperatures inside and outside the chimney. The greater
the temperature diff erence, the better the draught in the
chimney. It is therefore important to allow the chimney to reach
operating temperature before adjusting the air vents to restrict
combustion in the stove (a brickwork chimney takes longer to
reach operating temperature than a steel chimney).
It is particularly important to reach operating temperature
as quickly as possible on days on which the draught in the
chimney is poor due to unfavourable wind and weather
conditions. Make sure the fuel ignites as quickly as possible.
Practical tip: Chop the wood into much smaller pieces and use
an extra fi relighter.
NB: If the stove has not been used for some considerable
time, it is important to check the chimney pipe for blockage.

6.0 Maintenance

6.1 Cleaning the glass
The product is equipped with an air wash for the glass. Air is
sucked in through the air vent on the top of the product and
down along the inside of the glass.
However, some soot will always stick to the glass, but the
quantity will depend on the local draught conditions and
adjustment of the air vent. Most of the soot layer will normally
be burned off when the air vent is opened all the way and a fi re
is burning briskly in the fi replace.
Good advice! For normal cleaning, moisten a paper towel
with warm water and add some ash from the burn chamber.
Rub it over the glass and then clean the glass with clean water.
Dry well. If it is necessary to clean the glass more thoroughly
we recommend using a glass cleaner (follow the instructions
on the bottle).
6.2 Cleaning and soot removal
Soot deposits may build up on the internal surfaces of the
fi replace during use. Soot is a good insulator and will therefore
reduce the fi replace's heat output. If soot deposits accumulate
when using the product, they can be easily removed by using
a soot remover.
In order to prevent a water and tar layer from forming in the
fi replace you should regularly allow the fi re to burn hot in order
to remove the layer. An annual internal cleaning is necessary
to get the best heating eff ect from the product. It is a good idea
to do this in connection with the sweeping of the chimney and
fl ue pipes.
6.3 Sweeping of fl ue pipes to the
On certain free-standing fi replaces the top plate can be lifted
off and the pipe swept through the top.
Otherwise, fl ue pipes must be swept through the fl ue pipe
sweeping hatch or through the product's door opening. Then,
the baffl e must be removed.
6.4 Inspection of the fi replace
Jøtul recommends that you personally inspect your fi replace
carefully after sweeping/cleaning. Check all visible surfaces
for cracks. Also check that all joints are sealed and that the
gaskets are in the correct position. Any gaskets showing signs
of wear or deformation must be replaced.


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