Cleaning Machines KF 50B Manual De Instrucciones página 30

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A Never use the machine if brushes or scrapers and
abrasrve d sks are not perfeclly i¡sialled.
'\,,lake sure thal th€ brush plate is raised otherwrse lift
it by iollow ng lhe rnstrucl¡ons provided i¡ the specifrc
lrake sure thal lhe ignilion key on the conl¡ol pañel is
i n p o s i l i o n 0 ' .
B r i n g t h e b r u s h e s ( o r l h e g u i d e d i s k s e q u i p p e d w i t h
abrasve drsks)neár lhe connections, undef the brush
plate; lower the washing plate and starl the brushes
lrr1'ng. lhe brusies/discs coLDle au¡oadlicallV,
A Do nol allow the lenglh of the rows of brushes to
become lower than T cm.
A Do not al¡ow the thickñess of ihe abrasiv€ orsKs ro
become less than 1 cm
Workrng with excessveiywom brushes or excessively
thrn abrasiv€ disks may damage ihe máchrne ¿nd the
Regularly check the wearon these parls before slanlng
Dlsassembly or replacement:
Make sure thal the brush plate is raised olherwise lifl
il by follow ng the lnslructions provided in the specifc
Irake s!.e thal ihe ign¡lion key on the control panel is
In pos¡tron "0 .
W h i l e h o l d i ñ g t h e b r u s h e s ( o r t h e q u i d e d i s k s ) w i l h l h e
hands under lhe plate lum them in the rotation directron
while lowering io release lhem from the guide plale.
- h e
b r r s h e s o r r h e s c - a p e f d r s l s ( w r | r l ' r e á o r a s r v €
disks)musl ah^/ays remaiñ fat as lheywork on the Roor.
olherwise itwillnol be possible lo oblain the besl results
anC the parls wilLb€ subjected to iffegularand therefore
Its drfficultto ádjuslthe brush unit. Contact a spedalrsed
technician wheneverthe need arises and ifyou cannol
perlorm the adjuslmenl co¡reclly
T h e b r u s h u n r t c a m s r n u s t b e á d l u s t e d i n o r d e r l o
change the suppod slant oithe brush o¡ the d¡sks
The cams are adlusled in lhe factory añd need nol be
adjusted the first time the ftachine is used.
Removing lhe safety guads on lhe p/ate supporl syslem
prov¡des access 10 one/two screw(s) w th a lefl cam
a¡d to two screws (a ways wilh lhe cam syslem) on
t h e r i g h t s l d e o f t h e m a c h i n e ( w i 1 h r e f e r e n c € t o t h e
Loosen the rcta¡n¡n9 screws lo rotale the car¡s lhal
vary the brush unI sant w]lh respect to the machrne s
long(udrna axis and lhe lransverse axis.
On lhe righl side the slanl of the brush un¡l long¡tudrnal
a)(is can b€ adlls1ed by usrng the rear cam. Only if
there are two car¡s on the leñ side rs ú also necessary
l o u s e t h e r e a r o n e f r o m t h i s s i d e t o p e d o r m t h e
The ñghl (front) and eft (front if there are two) cams
arc used lo adjr.rsl the slañt oflhe brush unitt€nsverse
Do the following to mrect y adjust the brush unit slant:
Cornp etely Lower the brush unit
Rernove lhe srde safely guards.
Loosen all the rela niñg screws of the cams on bolh
Use the machiñe norma ly for aboul 20 m¡nutes so as
t o s t a b i i s e l h € b r u s h u ¡ i i .
Fuly ¡ghten the cam fetainrng screws.
7 4 F I L L I N G A N D D R A I N I N G T H E D E T E R G E N f
J3" t¡e temperature of the water or the detercenl
should never exceed 50'C.
eways emply the detergenl so Lrlron iank beiore
f i l l l n g i l u p .
T o n l :
, Remove lhe p ug in lhe front oithe machine.. Leave
2 cm between the r¡outh ofthe plug and lhe quid level.
Do nol fll beyond lhis poinll
. Add the reqLlired quañtity of lhe chemica producl,
consrdenñg the percentage indicated by the supp ier
wilh refefence to the ful tank capacity lisled on the
. Use only those products suilable forthe tloora¡d the
. A The machine was designed lo be used with ñoñ-
foam¡ng añd bodegradabl€ delergeñls made specifically
lor scrubber¡riers. The use ofother chern calpmdlcls
(such as sodium hypoch onte, ox¡disers. solvents or
hydrocarbons)may damage or destroy the machine
. Follow lhe safety regulations specified in the rclálive
seclioñ and ind cateC on the detergent container
. Contact lhe machine manufactLr re¡ lo oblain a complele
lisl ol avaiab e and suitable deleroents.
. fFAMays
add the d€ters€nt;fier fillinq the tank
with wale¡ to prevent foam f¡om belng cfeated inside.
. Do noi leave the waler hose unattended and insert I
compelely lñto lhe tank: lhe hose might move and gel
sensltive parts ofthe machine wet.
C l o s e l h e i a n k w t h i t s p l u g . . .
T o d r a i n :
. Uñscrew the cock
. Close lhe draiñage pllg fin¡ly
7 . 5 D R A ] N I N G T H E R E C O V E R Y T A N K
The drrty waler must be drained in accordance with
nal¡ona regulalrons.
T h e u s e ¡ s c o m p l e l e y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r e n s u r i n g
complranc€ wth such rules
Afler the delergenl solution is fln shed, always emply
lhe recovery la¡k before filiñg il again.
ln gener¿l lhe recovery lank can b€ emptied whenever
requi€d, and even during intermediate phases of the
The recovery lank vo um€ is high€rlhan lhe delergenl
s o | . r t i o n v o u m e , t h e r e l o f e a p o l e n t i á l l y d a ¡ g e r o u s
situatio¡ lor the slct¡on motor shot]ld ñever occur In
any case, a safety floal lurns off lhe suclron motor f
llle drrry lquid level is too high
¿g lfwaler o¡ foam starts leaking from under lh€ tanks
fo¡ any reason. immedialeiy tum oñ the suction r¡otor
and emply the recovery tank.
To dra n lhe tank:
D ¡ v e t h e m ¿ c h i ñ e t o ¿ s u ü a b l e ¡ o c a t o n t o d É i n t h €
dirty wate. and preferaby near a toilel ora sewer drain
(cornply with the national regu alons for waste waler
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Este manual también es adecuado para:

Kf 55b

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