stone as this may permanently damage the stone and could contaminate the cooking surface.
Scrape off baked on cheese and other ingredients using the edge of a wooden or plastic spatula
or similar tool angled at 45° to the top surface of the refractory cooking stone. Scrape gently
across surface of the refractory stone keeping the tool at a 45° angle. Do not gouge, jab, or poke
at the surface of the refractory cooking stone with any implement as this may permanently
damage the stone. Once completely cooled, wipe stone using a dampened cloth.
B. Cleaning upper cooking element and inside of upper cover:
Should pizza toppings come in contact with the upper element, wait until the oven and element
has completely cooled and then use a dampened cloth to CAREFULLY and GENTLY wipe away
baked on toppings from the element and inside of upper cover. DO NOT use harsh chemicals or
oven cleaner on the element or inside upper cover surface. The element is fragile and must be
handled with care when cleaning. DO NOT bend, twist or force on the element as this could
permanently damage the element.
C. Cleaning the outside surfaces:
When the outer housing has completed cooled, wipe surfaces clean with a dampened cloth. DO
NOT use any corrosive or abrasive cleaning agents as this may permanently damage the finish
on your pizza oven.
D. Cleaning the wooden pizza peels:
The wooden pizza peels can be cleaned using soap and water. DO NOT soak wooden pizza
peels in water or put them in the dishwasher as this may permanently damage them.
Technical Data - 120V 60Hz 1200W
Certico Inc.
Saint-Laurent, Quebec