Important Notice
Due to the constant addition of new features and modifications to your unit, please visit our website - to get the latest version of the HDC-3000 manual, as well as new versions of the
HDC-3000 firmware will include additional features, bug fixes, and enhanced compatibility to guarantee opti-
mum performance of your unit. Please do this before opperating your unit.
Additionally, please also download our FREE Cortex Database Creation Software, which allows you to create
searchable databases of your entire music collection within minutes, as well as create playlists and waveforms for
your music. This indispensable utility is designed to save you time when preparing large storage devices to use
with the HDC-3000.
To find out what version of HDC-3000 firmware you are running:
1. Power on the HDC-3000 with NO DEVICES CONNECTED.
2. At the prompt that says 'Insert Devices,' press the INFO button.
3. The screen will display the version number of the currently installed HDC-3000
To upgrade your firmware to the newest version:
1. Using your PC, download the firmware update to the root directory of your USB stor-
age device (X:\ where X is the letter of the drive). We recommend Internet Explorer.
2. Connect the USB storage device to the HDC-3000.
3. Power on the HDC-3000, and select the aforementioned device.
4. The unit will display the date/version of the new update, and will ask if you want to
update. Select 'YES,' and press enter.
5. The unit will go through a 8-step update procedure, after which the power will auto-
matically shut down. When the unit is powered on again, you will be running the latest
Warning: If the power is interrupted or the USB device is removed during this process, it can
damage the operating system of the unit.