Sonic Alert's HomeAware™ Complete Home Alerting Solution is
the first of its kind to incorporate supervised safety, security and
piece of mind. Sonic Alert has developed industry leading
technology with its proprietary TruAlert™. TruAlert™ D-RF
networking provides the latest in wireless technology and is on
guard constantly, searching for any problems 24/7.
HomeAware™ then displays potential problems such as low
batteries, broken link and any other problem that might arise.
These potential problems will be reported on its large, bright red
display and in easy to see text.
With TruAlert™ networking you'll feel safe and secure knowing
your system is monitoring itself every 2-3 minutes 24/7 even in
the event of a power failure.
HomeAware™ with TruAlert™ networking will alert you to a
landline telephone, cell phone, video phone, and the doorbell
ringing. HomeAware™ comes complete with a doorbell
transmitter, powerful bed shaker, extra loud dual alarm with up to
105 decibels, an extra bright flashing xenon strobe and a
convenient USB cell phone charger.
Several optional accessories are available that will help alert you
to all the important sounds in your life.