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Resumen de contenidos para VQ Monty

  • Página 2 The Benefits of Digital Radio When you upgrade to digital radio you get more choice than ever before – with your existing favourite stations just waiting to be experienced in digital quality but also a plethora of new digital-only stations featuring all kinds of;...
  • Página 3 Your VQ Monty- Born In Britain You can be proud of your Monty and rely on its quality as it’s designed and engineered in Britain featuring British acoustic development. At VQ we’re proud to be British and we’re proud to take our inspiration from quintessential British areas of excellence - Design, Fashion, Music and The Arts.
  • Página 4: Switch On/Off

    Know your Monty Informationen zu Ihrem Monty | Leer je Monty kennen | Apprenez à connaître votre Monty Switch On/Off MODE MENU MODE MENU MODE MENU MODE MENU MODE MENU MODE MENU MODE MENU Aux-in ON/OFF Headphones USB Charging Power...
  • Página 5 Know your Monty Conozca su Monty | Conosci il tuo Monty Dit zijn de basisfuncties van These are the basic features Nachfolgend finden Sie eine je Monty - leer het product for your Monty - explore the Beschreibung der wesentlichen...
  • Página 6 Power On/Off Monty Monty ein-/ausschalten | Monty in- en uitschakelen | Allumer / éteindre Monty Monty uses mains power or the Connect to power port, Battery can be inserted at the back VQ battery pack to use mains power of the Monty Sie können das Monty mit Netzstrom...
  • Página 7 Power On/Off Monty Encendido/apagado de Monty | Accensione/spegnimento di Monty Clock will show when powered, Press the VQ button again Press the VQ button again this is standby mode to turn on to turn off Die Uhr zeigt an, dass das Gerät eingeschaltet Drücken Sie die VQ-Taste, um...
  • Página 8 Tuning into DAB DAB einstellen | Afstemmen op DAB | Réglage DAB On first power on, Monty will auto-scan You can also press menu to access the Use the left and right arrows to find for available DAB Stations scan options at any time “Full Scan”...
  • Página 9 Tuning into DAB Sintonizar en DAB | Sintonizzazione DAB Start Full Scan by pressing Monty will now scan for all OK button available stations Drücken Sie die OK-Taste, um Das Monty sucht jetzt nach allen Vollständiger Suchlauf zu starten verfügbaren Sendern...
  • Página 10 Saving/Recalling Preset Stations Speichern & Abrufen eines voreingestellten Senders | Een preset opslaan en oproepen | Enregistrer / appeler un préréglage Press and hold Star button when tuned Use left and right arrows to pick an Press OK button to confirm and save to station available preset preset...
  • Página 11 Saving/Recalling Preset Stations Guardar y activar un ajuste predefinido | Salvare e visualizzare una preimpostazione To recall a preset, press (do not hold) Use left and right arrows to select Press OK button to listen to Star button your preset the preset Um einen voreingestellten Sender Nutzen Sie die linken und rechten...
  • Página 12 Scan for Bluetooth devices display Bluetooth “Bluetooth Pairing” on your smart device Drücken Sie die Modus-Taste, um Das Monty zeigt daraufhin an Suchen Sie auf Ihrem Smartphone Bluetooth anzuzeigen “Bluetooth Kopplung ” nach Bluetooth-Geräten Druk op de Mode-knop om de...
  • Página 13 How to connect to Bluetooth Cómo conectar el modo Bluetooth | Come collegarsi al Bluetooth Connect to “Monty” on your If successful display will show smart device “Bluetooth Connected” Verbinden Sie das Monty mit Sobald die Verbindung hergestellt Ihrem Smartphone wurde, zeigt das Gerät “Bluetooth...
  • Página 14 How to set an Alarm Wecker einstellen | Alarm instellen | Réglage de l’alarme Press Alarm Button (1x for Alarm 1 or Use left and right arrows to turn Alarm Press OK button 2x for Alarm 2) On and Off to progress Drücken Sie die Taste Wecker (1x für Schalten Sie den Alarm mit den linken...
  • Página 15 How to set an Alarm Cómo fijar una alarma | Come impostare una sveglia Alarm 1 Wizard Alarm 1 Wizard Alarm 1 Tim Weekends Weekends 09:00 Use left and right arrows to set your Press OK button Use left and right arrows to set the alarm preference to confirm hour of alarm...
  • Página 16 How to set an Alarm Wecker einstellen | Alarm instellen | Réglage de l’alarme Alarm 1 Tim Alarm 1 Tim Alarm 1 Tim 09:00 09:15 09:15 Press OK button Use left and right arrows to set the Press OK button to confirm minutes of the alarm to confirm...
  • Página 17 How to set an Alarm Cómo fijar una alarma | Come impostare una sveglia Alarm1 Type Alarm1 Vol Alarm1 Type BEEP1 BEEP1 10 | 11 | 12 | Use left and right arrows to choose Press OK button Use left and right arrows to choose type of alarm to confirm volume of alarm...
  • Página 18 How to set an Alarm Wecker einstellen | Alarm instellen | Réglage de l’alarme Alarm1 Vol Alarm1 Snooze Alarm1 Snooze 5Min 5Min 13 | 14 | 15 | Press OK button Use left and right arrows to select Press OK button to confirm Snooze time to confirm...
  • Página 19 How to set an Alarm Cómo fijar una alarma | Come impostare una sveglia Alarm Saved 16 | Monty will display “Alarm Saved” Das Monty zeigt daraufhin “Alarm Saved” an Monty toont nu “Alarm Saved” Monty affiche “Alarm Saved” Monty mostrará...
  • Página 20: Need Help

    Need Help? www.MyVQ.com [email protected] 0333 1234 601...