Press down on the sliding button in the middle
of the lower latch.
Hold the button down and pull the lower latch
towards you to release the compressive force.
Release the button and continue pulling on the
lower latch until it reaches the end of its travel.
Release the lower latch and the upper latch
should disengage; The case can now be opened.
If the latch does not disengage automatically,
press down on the lid and the latches will fall
open. This may be required when the case is
heavily loaded.
Pull the lower latch upwards until you can
Pull the lower latch upwards until you can
engage the upper latch onto the lid of the case.
engage the upper latch onto the lid of the case.
Once the upper latch is engaged, push
Once the upper latch is engaged, push
downward on the lower latch until the locking
downward on the lower latch until the locking
button engages with the lower half of the case.
button engages with the lower half of the case.
An audible click will indicate that the latch is
An audible click will indicate that the latch is
securely closed. If the latch is in the closed
securely closed. If the latch is in the closed
position but the button does not return to the
position but the button does not return to the
locked position, ensure that there are no foreign
locked position, ensure that there are no foreign
objects or debris that are preventing the button
objects or debris that are preventing the button
from engaging into the locked position.
from engaging into the locked position.