Notes / Documentation:
Term of Validity:
ABS Rules:
National Standards:
International Standards:
Government Authority:
Model Certificate
ABS has used due diligence in the preparation of this certificate and it represents the information on the product in the ABS Records as of the
date and time the certificate was printed. Type Approval requires Drawing Assessment, Prototype Testing and assessment of the
manufacturer's quality assurance and quality control arrangements. Limited circumstances may allow only Prototype Testing to satisfy Type
Approval. The approvals of Drawings and Products remain valid as long as the ABS Rule, to which they were assessed, remains valid. ABS
cautions manufacturers to review and maintain compliance with all other specifications to which the product may have been assessed. Further,
unless it is specifically indicated in the description of the product; Type Approval does not necessarily waive witnessed inspection or survey
procedures (where otherwise required) for products to be used in a vessel, MODU or facility intended to be ABS classed or that is presently in
class with ABS. Questions regarding the validity of ABS Rules or the need for supplemental testing or inspection of such products should, in all
cases, be addressed to ABS.
03/27/2018 3:00:28 PM
- Each user must use output cables that have sufficient current carrying capacity as
per ABS Steel Vessels Rules 4-8-2/7.7.1.
PRODSPEC-135, EnerGenius IQ detailed product specification, Revision: R
20140619-E117114, UL Certificate of Compliance, Date: 06-19-2014 EC
Declaration of Conformity In accordance with EN ISO 17050-1:2010, Date:
07-14-2017 Supporting Documentation listed in ABS Task T1182566: Product
Specification PRODSPEC- 135, EnerGenius IQ detailed product specification, Rev.
L SENS IPX2 Q1 and Q2 Enclosure Drip Test; Cascade TEK Test Report Number:
CTC C662 Dated May 22, 2013;
This Product Design Assessment (PDA) Certificate 18-HS1725925-PDA, dated
21/Mar/2018 remains valid until 20/Mar/2023 or until the Rules or specifications
used in the assessment are revised (whichever occurs first). This PDA is intended
for a product to be installed on an ABS classed vessel, MODU or facility which is in
existence or under contract for construction on the date of the ABS Rules or
specifications used to evaluate the Product. Use of the Product on an ABS classed
vessel, MODU or facility which is contracted after the validity date of the ABS Rules
and specifications used to evaluate the Product, will require re-evaluation of the
PDA. Use of the Product for non ABS classed vessels, MODUs or facilities is to be
to an agreement between the manufacturer and intended client.
Rules for Conditions of Classification, Part 1 - 2018 Steel Vessels Rules 1-1-4/7.7,
1-1-A3, 1-1-A4, which covers the following: 2018 ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels: 4-8-3/5.9 Rules for Conditions of Classification, Part 1 -
2018 Offshore Units and Structures 1-1-4/9.7, 1-1-A2, 1-1-A3, which covers the
following: 2018 ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units:
UL 1012, 8th Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 NO. 107.2-01, R2016
EN 50581:2012 EN 60335-1:2012/A11:2014 EN 60335-2-29:2004/A2:2010 EN
61000-6-2:2005/AC:2005 EN 61000-6-4:2007/A1:2011
Model Certificate No
Copyright 2001 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved.
Certificate Number: 18-HS1725925-PDA
Issue Date
Expiry Date
ABS Programs
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