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4.10 Change language
Send a text message with the text 0001 to the alarm system.
The language will be set to English.
Set English successfully
Remark : Only English, Dutch and Italian languages are available.
The language can also be modified by using the Eminent e-Alarm APP. This App is
explained in chapter 5.
With the Eminent e-Alarm APP :
4.11 Text message commands
All settings of the system can be controlled and configured by sending text
messages to the system. Before you power up the alarm system install a mobile SIM
card first. Notice: make sure the PIN and voicemail of the SIM card are both
disabled. You can disable this by using the SIM card in a regular mobile phone. In
case of a Prepaid card make sure you have enough credit on the SIM card. Install
the SIM card in the alarm system. Now you can power up the alarm system wait a
few seconds for the system connect to the mobile network. You can view all the
menu settings of the alarm system by sending a text message to the alarm system.