- PLUS - I/O DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITÀ AUDIOTEL Engineering S.p.A. - Via del Chioso, 6 - 24030 Mozzo (BG) Italia Dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che il prodotto: INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS è conforme con le normative vigenti in relazione alla direttiva R&TTE 99/5/CE ed in...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS In particolare il prodotto è stato approvato in conformità ai seguenti standard: ETS 301 511 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized EN for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) ETS 301 489-1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);...
Lo stesso dicasi per eventuali modifiche non autorizzate. AUDIOTEL Engineering S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di modificare il prodotto, per qualsiasi esigenza di carattere costruttivo o commerciale, senza l’obbligo di aggiornare tempestivamente i manuali di riferimento.
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• Atti vandalici. • Materiale soggetto ad usura Audiotel Engineering S.p.A. si riserva, a sua esclusiva discrezione il diritto di riparare o sostituire i prodotti ritenuti difettosi. La garanzia si considera decaduta quando il guasto è indotto da un uso improprio o da una procedura operativa non contemplata nel manuale di utilizzo.
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS CARATTERISTICHE FUNZIONALI • Modem Dual Band 900/1800MHz GSM • Servizi Dati, SMS, Voce e Fax • Controllo con comandi AT (standard ETSI GSM 07.05 e 07.07) • Potenza d’uscita: 2W per GSM900 / 1W per GSM1800 • Alimentazione: 8V - 32Vcc •...
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS CARATTERISTICHE MECCANICHE • Dimensioni: 55x80x24mm (vers. BASE e PLUS) • Dimensioni: 70x80x24mm (vers. I/O) • Peso: 120gr circa • Elementi per fissaggio a parete, guida DIN e guida OMEGA • Possibilità di fissaggio diretto su PCB DESCRIZIONE DELLE INTERFACCE...
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• Connettore Microfit 6 poli Fonia • Stack TCP/IP WebServer, HTTP, FTP, SMTP e DHCP, TCP, IP, ARP, UDP, ICMP e PPP • Comandi AT V.25/ter + Siemens proprietary + Audiotel proprietary (comandi orientati a TCP/IP e manutenzione) • Collezione API...
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• Stack TCP/IP WebServer, HTTP, FTP, SMTP e DHCP, TCP, IP, ARP, UDP, ICMP e PPP • Comandi AT V.25/ter + Siemens proprietary + Audiotel proprietary (comandi orientati a TCP/IP e manutenzione) • Collezione API Kernel Multitasking (RTOS), interfacce seriali (V.24 e I2Cbus), completa gestione funzioni GSM/GPRS, utilities (misure RF, gestione profili funzionali), IP Suite (application &...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS INSTALLAZIONE Per installare e rendere operativo il modem è necessario dotarsi di una scheda SIM card, di una fonte di alimentazione in corrente continua (8-32V), di un’antenna esterna, di un personal computer (o altro DTE) dotato di porta seriale RS232 e, nel caso si voglia utilizzare la funzione di fonia, anche di una cuffia (oppure altoparlante + microfono).
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MICROFIT 4 pin MICROFIT 6 pin DB9 per seriale RS232 La versione PLUS e la versione BASE presentano i medesimi connettori, pur con piccole differenze a livello di pinout per la presenza di un microcontrollore a bordo della versione PLUS.
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS COLORE CAVO CONNETTORE SEGNALE ALIMENTAZIONE Power IN Power IN (+) Rosso 4 pin Ground Nero MICROFIT IGN (SCL_5V) Ignition (SCL I Cbus) Giallo PDN (SDA_5V) Power Down (SDA I Cbus) N.E. Tra parentesi è riportato il pinout del connettore relativo alla versione Industrial PLUS. CONNETTORE SEGNALE SYNC (GND)
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS STATO LED DESCRIZIONE TIPO MODEM 75ms Acceso Solo GPRS Uno o più contesti GPRS attivati 75ms Spento 75ms Acceso 3s Spento Lampeggio Solo GPRS Indica trasferimento di dati GPRS: quando un trasferimento GPRS è in corso, il led si accende per 1 secondo dopo che i pacchetti dati sono stati scambiati.
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MODALITÁ DI ACCENSIONE DEL MODEM (valida solo per INDUSTRIAL BASE) La semplice applicazione, sul connettore Microfit 4 poli, della tensione di alimentazione (Power IN al pin 1 e GND al pin 2) non è sufficiente per provocare l’accensione del modem.
Power Down T 1 > 500msec T 2 > 500msec SPEGNIMENTO DEL MODEM (valido solo per INDUSTRIAL BASE) Il modem può essere spento secondo due modalità differenti: Spegnimento software Lo spegnimento software mediante il comando AT^SMSO è la modalità consigliata per ottenere lo spegnimento controllato del modem (vedere diagramma delle temporizzazioni riportato a fianco).
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS Power IN Modem spento IGN/DTR Porta seriale AT^SMSO Power Down Spegnimento hardware (solo in caso di emergenza) Il segnale di Power Down (PDN) viene mantenuto a livello alto (IGN/DTR deve trovarsi a livello basso) per un intervallo minimo di 3,5sec (vedere diagramma delle temporizzazioni riportato sotto).
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^SMSO: MS OFF OK Modem del dispositivo ( * ) Per il dettaglio dei comandi AT e per accedere a tutta la documentazione Comando disabilitato su tecnica di prodotto fare riferimento al sito internet di Audiotel INDUSTRIAL PLUS e I/O...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS SUPPORTO DA MURO ATTENZIONE!!! Per sganciare il modem dal supporto da muro fornito in dotazione, sollevare l’aletta del supporto stesso (dal lato del lettore SIM del modulo) e con le dita (o con un cacciavite) sfilare delicatamente verso l’alto il modem. Evitare di far compiere al modem una rotazione superiore a 15-20°...
- PLUS - I/O DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY AUDIOTEL Engineering S.p.A. - Via del Chioso, 6 - 24030 Mozzo (BG) Italy Declares on its sole responsibility that the following product: GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM complies with the regulations in force, with reference to the R&TTE 99/5/CE directive,...
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM In particular this product has been approved to comply with the following standards: ETS 301 511 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized EN for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) ETS 301 489-1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);...
The same principle applies for any non-authorised change. Audiotel Engineering S.p.A. reserves the right to change the product for any constructive or commercial need. It is not obliged to update reference manuals promptly.
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• Acts of vandalism • Wearing material Audiotel Engineering S.p.A. reserves at its own discretion the right to repair or replace defective products. The warranty is deemed to be expired when the failure is caused by improper use or by an operating procedure which is not provided for by this manual.
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM FUNCTIONAL FEATURES • Dual Band 900/1800MHz GSM Modem • Data, SMS, Voice and Fax services • AT command control (standard ETSI GSM 07.05 and 07.07) • Output power: 2W for GSM900 / 1W for GSM1800 • Power supply: 8V - 32Vcc •...
GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM MECHANICAL FEATURES • Dimensions: 55x80x24mm (BASE and PLUS versions) • Dimensions: 70x80x24mm (I/O version) • Weight: about 120gr • Wall fixing elements, DIN and OMEGA rail • PCB fixing possibility INTERFACES DESCRIPTION INTERFACE TYPE MODEM BASE PLUS Female DB9 RS232 serial port connector (DCE) –...
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• 6 pins Microfit connector Voice • TCP/IP Stack WebServer, HTTP, FTP, SMTP and DHCP, TCP, IP, ARP, UDP, ICMP and PPP • AT Commands V.25/ter + Siemens proprietary + Audiotel proprietary (TCP/IP and maintenance oriented) • Power API collection...
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• TCP/IP Stack WebServer, HTTP, FTP, SMTP and DHCP, TCP, IP, ARP, UDP, ICMP and PPP • AT Commands V.25/ter + Siemens proprietary + Audiotel proprietary (TCP/IP and maintenance oriented) • Power API collection Kernel Multitasking (RTOS), serial interfaces (V.24 & I2Cbus), complete management of GSM/GPRS functions, utilities (RF measure, functional profile management), IP Suite (application &...
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM INSTALLATION Before installing the modem it is necessary to prepare a SIM card, a DC power supply (8-32V), an external antenna, a personal computer (or other DTE equipment) equipped with RS232 serial port and, in case You want to use the voice function, a headset (or loudspeaker + microphone).
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4 pins MICROFIT 6 pins MICROFIT DB9 RS232 serial port Industrial PLUS and Industrial BASE modems are equipped with the same connectors, nevertheless a few pinout difference is due to the presence of the microcontroller installed on the PLUS version.
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR SIGNAL USAGE CABLE COLOURS Power IN Power IN (+) 4 pins Ground Black MICROFIT IGN (SCL_5V) Ignition (SCL I Cbus) Yellow PDN (SDA_5V) Power Down (SDA I Cbus) N.E. The Industrial PLUS connector pinout is shown between brackets. CONNECTOR SIGNAL USAGE...
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM LOWER PANEL FOR INDUSTRIAL I/O 18 positions terminal board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CONNECTOR SIGNAL USAGE OPTION Power IN Power IN (+) Ground SDA_5V SDA I2Cbus SPKN...
GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM LED STATUS DESCRIPTION MODEM TYPE 75ms On GPRS only One or more GPRS contexts activated 75ms Off 75ms On 3s Off Flashing GPRS only Indicates GPRS data transfer: when a GPRS transfer is in progress, the LED goes on within 1 second after data packets were exchanged.
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Industrial I/O). Removing the power supply is the way to switch off the modem. SWITCHING ON THE MODEM (valid only for INDUSTRIAL BASE) Simply applying supply voltage, on the 4 pins Microfit connector, (Power IN to pin 1 and GND to pin 2) alone is not enough to switch on the modem.
Power Down T 1 > 500msec T 2 > 500msec SWITCHING OFF THE MODEM (valid only for INDUSTRIAL BASE) The modem can be switched off in two different ways: Software switching off The software shutdown via the AT^SMSO command is always advisable for a...
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM Power IN Modem IGN/DTR Serial port AT^SMSO Power Down Hardware switching off (in case of emergency only) The Power Down signal (PDN) have to be kept in a high level (IGN/DTR signal have to be kept in a low level) for at least 3,5sec (see the timing diagram below). Power IN Modem IGN/DTR...
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Switching off ( * ) AT^SMSO ^SMSO: MS OFF OK Software switching off mobile station ( * ) For more AT command details and product technical Command disabled for INDUSTRIAL PLUS e I/O. documentation, please refer to the Audiotel web site...
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GSM/GPRS INDUSTRIAL MODEM THE WALL FIXING ELEMENTS WARNING!!! Lift up the wall fixing elements’ fin (on the modem side where is located the SIM reader) by using your fingers (or a screwdriver). Disconnect the modem gently and take it off. Do not turn the modem with an angle greater than 15-20°...
- PLUS - I/O DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD AUDIOTEL Engineering S.p.A. - Via del Chioso, 6 - 24030 Mozzo (BG) Italia Declara bajo la propia responsabilidad que el producto: INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS es conforme con las normativas vigentes con respecto a la directriz R&TTE 99/5/CE y...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS En especial el producto ha sido aprobado conforme con las siguientes normas: ETS 301 511 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM); Harmonized EN for mobile stations in the GSM 900 and GSM 1800 bands covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) ETS 301 489-1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);...
Lo mismo se debe entender para eventuales modificaciones no autorizadas. AUDIOTEL Engineering S.p.A. se reserva el derecho de modificar el proyecto, debido a cualquier exigencia de carácter de fabricación o comercial, sin la obligación de actualizar inmediatamente los manuales de referencia.
• Actos vandálicos. • Materiales sujetos a desgaste Audiotel Engineering S.p.A. se reserva, a su exclusiva discreción el derecho de reparar o reemplazar los productos considerados defectuosos. La garantía se considera vencida cuando la avería ha sido inducida por un uso no adecuado o por un procedimiento operativo no contemplado en el manual de uso.
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS CARACTERÍSTICAS FUNCIONALES • Módem Dual Band 900/1800MHz GSM • Servicios de Datos, SMS, Voz y Fax • Control con mandos AT (estándar ETSI GSM 07.05 y 07.07) • Potencia de salida: 2W para GSM900 / 1W para GSM1800 •...
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS CARACTERÍSTICAS MECÁNICAS • Dimensiones: 55x80x24mm (vers. BASE y PLUS) • Dimensiones: 70x80x24mm (vers. I/O) • Peso: 120gr aprox. • Elementos para la fijación a la pared, guía DIN y guía OMEGA • Posibilidad de fijación directa sobre el PCB DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS INTERFACES...
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS INSTALACIÓN Para instalar y hacer operativo el módem es necesario tener una tarjeta SIM card, una fuente de alimentación de corriente continua (8-32V), una antena externa, un personal computer (u otro DTE) con un puerto serial RS232 y, en caso se desee utilizar la función fónica, también una cofia (o un altoparlante + micrófono).
MICROFIT de 6 pin DB9 para serial RS232 La versión PLUS y la versión BASE presentan los mismos conectores, aunque con pequeñas diferencias a nivel de pinout debido a la presencia de un microcontrolador a bordo de la versión PLUS.
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS COLOR DEL CABLE CONECTOR SEÑAL DE ALIMENTACIÓN Power IN Power IN (+) Rojo 4 pin Tierra Negro MICROFIT IGN (SCL_5V) Encendido (SCL I2Cbus) Amarillo PDN (SDA_5V) Power Down (SDA I2Cbus)N.E. Entre paréntesis se indica el pinout del conector relativo a la versión Industrial PLUS. CONECTOR SEÑAL SYNC (GND)
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS PANEL INFERIOR INDUSTRIAL I/O Bornera de 18 posiciones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CONECTOR SEÑAL OPCIONES Power IN Power IN (+) Tierra SDA_5V SDA I2Cbus SPKN SCL_5V SCL I2Cbus...
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS CONECTOR SEÑAL OPCIONES OUT_1 - Output_1 (-) Bornera OUT_1 + Output_1 (+) ^ de 18 posiciones OUT_2 - Output_2 (-) OUT_2 + Output_2 (+) ^ * Entradas optoaisladas (15-50Vac/dc) ^ Salidas optoaisladas (30Vcc 1A - 10Vrms 350mArms). PANEL SUPERIOR LED de estado Lector SIM...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS ESTADO DEL LED DESCRIPCIÓN TIPO DE MÓDEM 75ms Encendido Uno o más de un contexto GPRS activados Sólo GPRS 75ms Apagado 75ms Encendido 3s Apagado Intermitente Indica la transferencia de datos GPRS: cuando Sólo GPRS una transferencia GPRS se encuentra en curso, el led se enciende durante 1 segundo, después que los paquetes de datos se han intercambiado.
MODALIDAD DE ENCENDIDO DEL MÓDEM (válida sólo para el INDUSTRIAL BASE) La simple aplicación, sobre el conector Microfit de 4 polos, de la tensión de alimentación (Power IN en el pin 1 y GND en el pin 2) no es suficiente para provocar el encendido del módem. El modo de encendido se puede producir de acuerdo con los dos procedimientos siguientes: Uso de la señal de Encendido (IGN)
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Power Down T 1 > 500mseg T 2 > 500mseg APAGADO DEL MÓDEM (válido sólo para INDUSTRIAL BASE) El módem se puede apagar de acuerdo con las dos siguientes modalidades: Apagado software El apagado software mediante el mando AT^SMSO es el modo aconsejado para obtener el apagado controlado del módem (véase el diagrama de las temporizaciones...
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INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS Power IN Módem apagado IGN/DTR Puerto serial AT^SMSO Power Down Apagado hardware (sólo en caso de emergencia) La señal de Power Down (PDN) se mantiene a nivel alto (IGN/DTR se debe encontrar a nivel bajo) durante un intervalo mínimo de 3,5seg (véase el diagrama de las temporizaciones ilustrado abajo).
AT^SMSO ^SMSO: MS OFF OK Módem del dispositivo ( * ) Para ver el detalle de los mandos AT y para ver toda la documentación Mando deshabilitado en el técnica remitirse al sitio internet de Audiotel INDUSTRIAL PLUS e I/O...
INDUSTRIAL MODEM GSM/GPRS SOPORTE DE PARED ¡¡¡ATENCIÓN!!! Para desenganchar el módem del soporte de pared entregado, levantar la aleta del soporte (del lado del lector SIM del módulo) y con los dedos (o con un destornillador) quitar el módem hacia arriba delicadamente. Evitar que el módem efectúe una rotación superior a aproximadamente 15-20°...
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Edizione 3 - Aprile 2003 • Edition 3 - April 2003 (Cod. 0808P2B0001E2) AUDIOTEL ENGINEERING S.p.A. Head Office: Via del Chioso, 6 - 24030 MOZZO (Bg) Italy Tel. +39 035 467011 ISDN - Fax +39 035 614000 - www.audiotel.it - [email protected]...
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RED and BLACK wires. If You use the YELLOW wire with INDUSTRIAL PLUS, You can damage the product. For the INDUSTRIAL BASE product use only the power supply cable having the RED, BLACK and YELLOW wires. Por el producto INDUSTRIAL PLUS utilizar sólo el cable de alimentación que tiene los hilos ROJO y NEGRO.