Hydraulic Hand Pump
Operation Manual
Manuel d'utilisation des pompes manuelles
hydrauliques (XH0V-Kit)
Manual de operación de la bomba manual
hidráulica (XH0V-Kit)
液壓手泵 (XH0V-Kit) 操作指南
Руководство по эксплуатации
гидравлического ручного насоса (XH0V-Kit)
For all models of XH0V-Kit Hydraulic Hand Pumps
Pour tous les modèles de pompes manuelles hydrauliques XH0V-Kit
Para todos los modelos de bombas manuales hidráulicas XH0V-Kit
適用於所有型號的 XH0V-Kit 液壓手泵
Для всех моделей гидравлических ручных насосов XH0V-Kit
Para todos os modelos de bombas hidráulicas manuais XH0V-Kit
Per tutti i modelli di pompa manuale oleodinamica XH0V-Kit
Für alle Modelle der hydraulischen Handpumpen XH0V-Kit
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Ashcroft Inc.250 East Main Street
Stratford, CT 06614-5145 U.S.A.
Tel: (203) 378-8281
Fax: (203) 385-0408 (Domestic)
Fax: (203) 385-0357 (International)
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
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©Ashcroft Inc. I&M008-10245 1/16
Bomba hidráulica manual (XH0V-Kit) Manual
de operação
Manuale per l'uso della pompa manuale oleo-
dinamica (XH0V-Kit)
Hydraulische Handpumpe (XH0V-Kit) Bedien-