The following work steps describe the shortening of the foot support tubes of the madita.,
madita-fun. and the sofie.. It makes no difference whether the seat is equipped with a
standard seat cushion or an anatomically shaped seat cushion.
Size table:
Shorten by
Size 0
3 cm
Size 1
4 cm
Size 1b
4 cm
Size 2
6 cm
Step 3
After you have shortened the tubes, the sawing edges must be deburred to minimise risk
of injury by tubes with sharp edges. Use either a commercial deburring tool or an iron file.
Step 4
Now bring the inner and outer tubes together again and mount the foot support at the
desired height.
Assembly instructions: Shortening the foot support tubes for madita., madita-fun. & sofie.
By default, the foot support tubes can
be adjusted to the lower leg length (A)
from the seat cushion to the foot sup-
for Size 0
for Size 1
for Size 1b
for Size 2
If the foot support is to be adjusted
to a shorter lower leg length the foot
support tubes must be shortened.
Please use the adjacent size table for
Step 1
After the tubes have been dismantled,
the inner tube must be marked accor-
ding to the size table.
Step 2
After marking the distance to be shor-
tened, saw at the marked positions,
possibly at a 90° angle. Please use a
hacksaw for this.
between 20 and 25 cm,
between 24 and 32 cm,
between 32 and 46 cm,
between 32 and 49 cm
As of: Rev. 1
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