Rev. 01 - 05/2013 - Cod. CM31710 -
1) WARRANTY DECLARATION: the Manufacturer guarantees the Acquirer, the replacement, repair and intervention
relative to all appliances, where the aforementioned display conformity defects which comprise correct usage and
operation, only where such defects are owing to the fault of the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer reserves the right
to adopt the best solution in order to restore appliance conformity within a reasonable amount of time.
2) ACQUIRER: the Acquirer is defined as a "consumer" where the purchase was made by a physical person and where
the appliance is not to be used for commercial or professional purposes. The Acquirer is defined as a "professional or
company" where the purchase was made by a professional or company who aims to use the appliance for commercial
or professional purposes.
3) TERMS: the Manufacturer is responsible where the defect of conformity is discovered within the following time frame
from the purchase date:
24 months where the purchase was made by a "consumer" as described under point 2).
12 months where the purchase was made by a "professional or company" as described under point 2).
4) VALIDITY: the warranty is valid if the buyer notifies the manufacturer of any lack of conformity within 2 months from
the date on which the lack was detected. The above mentioned notification must necessarily be accompanied by a
regular proof of purchase (till receipt or invoice).
5) ExPIRY: the warranty expires in the instance where the Acquirer uses the appliance in an inappropriate and/or in such
a way that goes against the details in the "Instruction Manual" supplied by the Manufacturer, or in the instance where
the defect is owing to the inexperience of the Acquirer or an accident.
6) RESPONSIBILITY: the Manufacturer is exempt from all responsibility from harm caused to the Acquirer in terms of
lack of or reduced performance owing to conformity defects.
7) FEES: the fees relative to the work force and materials necessary to restore the appliance are charged to the Manu-
facturer. The fees and delivery methods are to be agreed upon with the Authorised Supplier.
• Rights reserved with regards the "Instruction Manual" remain with the Manufacturer.
• No parts of the present manual, in full or in part, may be copied and/or passed on in any way, without written autho-
risation from the Manufacturer.
• All the brands mentioned belong to the respective owners.
Industrial, handicraft and civil.
Interior locations with sufficient lighting, ventilation, with temperature and air humidity values as per details provided
in Paragraph 2, in compliance with legislation governing health and safety in the work place in force in the country of
usage. The appliance must rest on a surface that ensures the appliance is stable with respect to its weight and overall
dimensions (see Paragraph 2).
tHE aPPlianCE MUSt BE KEPt oUt oF REaCH oF CHilDREn.
Instruction manual Compressor Mod. C330