Warnings & Tips for Best Performance
System designed to increase water temperature by
25°-30°F. If water exiting showerhead is not hot enough,
place showerhead in same water container as pump &
recirculate water for a few minutes.
If water flow/pressure drops or water
temperature increases, immediately point showerhead
away from body & safely turn off heater until proper water
pressure is regained.
from the bottom of the heater during use is normal. This
is condensation and will occur every time the heater is on,
especially in humid climates.
batteries. Weak batteries or vapor lock will cause pump to
perform poorly. If new batteries are not available, reduce
distance between pump and showerhead by elevating
water container on table. With heater OFF and cool, initiate
water flow with weak batteries by applying suction to
showerhead. Check hoses for kinks. Check debris screen
at end of pump - twist off pump cap and rinse out foam
screen. Shake pump under water to release vapor lock.
Pump & battery case are NOT covered by warranty. New
pumps are available at www.zodi.com and are replaced by
removing hose at pump.
This product uses propane gas. Propane gas
can explode, burn and is a fire hazard. Propane gas is
heavier than air and can accumulate in low areas. Never
store propane indoors or near any heat source, near any
open flames, near any pilot light, in direct sun light, near any
ignition source or where temperatures exceed 120° F. Do
not refill disposable propane cylinders. Dispose of empty
gas cylinders in a safe and responsible manner. Always
attach & detach gas cylinder outdoors away from flames,
other ignition sources & only when heater is cool to touch.
If propane cylinder has a protective cap, remove protective
cap. Check that top of propane cylinder and fittings are
clean and free of dirt and debris. Turn off propane gas valve,
twist propane cylinder clockwise into gas valve at bottom
of heater. Check propane cylinder is tight and is not leaking
at connection by testing for leaks with soapy water (see
leaks before using shower. Never use flame to check for
leaks. With gas valve turned completely off and propane
connected to shower, apply soapy water (1 part liquid
detergent to 3 parts water) around area where the gas
valve connects to the propane. Bubbles near propane
connection indicate leaks. If bubbles are present, ensure
the propane connection is not crossthreaded. Check
that propane cylinder connection is tight. Repeat process
(test for leaks) until no leaks are present. If leaks persist,
do not use product, but contact Zodi.
If you experience a challenge with your Zodi Water Heater
Water dripping
Zodi suggests using only new
To ensure safety, test for
PLEASE DO NOT return product to the store.
(especially at higher altitudes), place showerhead in the
same water container as the pump and recycle water until
it reaches a suitable temperature. When heater is turned all
the way up, heat may be lost as flames begin to exit exhaust
holes at the top of the system. In this case, hotter water can
be produced by turning the gas valve down. BTU output
varies and may reach up to 10,000 BTU dependent upon
altitude, atmospheric conditions, outside temperature, and
propane level and temperature. Cold and empty propane
tanks decrease performance. Also, new batteries generate a
higher flow of water, causing water temperature to be slightly
lower for the first few minutes of operation.
Allow system to cool before handling. Do not place any
itemsincluding towels, soap & shampoo on or near heater.
Keep children & pets clear of heater when operating. Operate
only outdoors in well ventilated areas clear of any flammable
vapors & material.
Once hoses are attached, they can remain
on the shower. If hose becomes brittle or becomes loose,
cut off about 2 inches of the hose and reattach hose to the
fitting. Both hoses must be tightly and completely connected
to the entire length of hose barbs on shower and pump.
gas cylinder outdoors, away from flames and ignition
sources, after the heater has cooled completely. To remove
propane from your shower, turn shower on its side and
twist propane tank counter-clockwise until fully removed
from shower. Replace protective cap on propane tank.
Store propane outdoors. Read manufacturer's directions on
propane cylinder for other warnings.
housing using a soft damp cloth. Clean inside of hoses and
heating system by placing pump in clean water with baking
soda and turning the pump on for 1 minute. Rinse after with
clean water. Never submerge heater or battery case in water.
Remove propane cylinder from heater before
transport or storage. For added protection, wrap heater
in towel before storing in storage bag. To prevent freeze
damage to coil in cold climates, drain all water from coil
by blowing on showerhead for 10 seconds. Store heater
in storage case to prevent dust and insects from clogging
burner during storage. Torn bags, freeze damage and pumps
are not covered by warranty. Always store propane outdoors
- see propane warnings above.
Warranty Disclaimer: Due to the harsh conditions product
may be exposed to, there is no warranty on electronic
components including piezo push button & battery operated
pump. Never modify, alter or use with any part or device not
approved by Zodi.
To heat colder water
Only attach or detach
Clean outside of shower