Technical Data; Care Instructions; Warranty Conditions - Buggy TFK X3 Instrucciones De Uso

Tabla de contenido
(slika X)Ponjavo namestite na ustrezno mesto(21) na levi in desni strani
potisne palice. Kasneje mora biti ponjava pritrjena še z lepilnim trakom
Velcro na levi in desni strani ter okoli naslonjala s šestimi pritisnimi gumbi(9).
(slika XI)V sprednjem delu ponjave je zaprta mreža proti komarjem(23).
Odprite zadrgo in jo napnite čez podnožnik(26) ter jo zadaj zavarujte z
gumijastim pasom.
(slika XII)Ročna zavora(27) deluje tako v premikajočem se kot stoječem
položaju. Z namenom, da aktivirate parkirno zavoro morate popolnoma
stisniti zavorni vzvod(27), da lahko zaročite rdeč parkirni vzvod(25). Za
sprostitev parkirne zavore morate odpreti rdeč vzvod(25). Če delovanje
zavore čez čas pojenja, se mora to urediti. Pri tem mora biti nastavitveni
vijak(26) zasukan v nasprotno smer urinega kazalca. Nato ponovno preverite
delovanje zavor.
(slika XIII)Če želite voziček X3 / X4 zložiti, postavite stopalno ploščo(15) v
navpičen položaj, na obeh straneh odprite hitre razbremenilne navore(29) in
potisnite oba sprostitelja(28). Sedaj obrnite potisno palico naprej, dokler ni
otroški voziček popolnoma zložen.
(slika XIV)Sedaj lahko zaprete prevozno zapiralo(30), da se izognete
nenamernemu razprostrtju vozička X3 / X4.
- Za tek in rolanje uporabljajte le različico Sport vozička X3 / X4.
- Sedež namestite v pokončni položaj in tesno zavarujte svojega otroka s 5-
točkovnim pasom! Vašemu otroku namestite čelado! Ne tecite ali rolajte s
spuščenim sedežem!
- Prepričajte se, da vaš otrok nima v vozičku neprivezanih predmetov, ki bi
lahko padli iz njega!
- Vedno se pozorno premikajte in nikoli ne ogrožajte drugih udeležencev na
cesti ali stezi! Vedno bodite pripravljeni na zaviranje!
- Rolajte in tecite le na ravni površini in se izogibajte vzponom in spustom nad
5%! Ne rolajte čez ovire ali luknje na cestišču!
- Ne tecite ali rolajte s prenosnim otroškim ležalnikom ali sedežem za otroke iz
skupine 0!
- Pritisk pnevmatik povišajte na 1.5 barov!
- Ne tecite ali rolajte v vremenskih pogojih kot so nevihte, dež, sneg,
poledica ali tema!
- Nameščanje težkih stvari na voziček lahko oslabi stabilnost izdelka!
Prosimo, da uporabljate voziček X3 / X4 Sport za kotalkanje, le če ste že
izkušen kotalkar. Voziček X3 / X4 ni "učni pripomoček" za kotalkarje! Prosimo,
da se ne naslanjajte na voziček ali ga uporabljate kot "zavoro"! X3 / X4 Sport
je opremljen z naslednjimi sestavnimi deli, ki so nujno potrebni za športno
uporabo: prilagodljive zavorne plošče na zadnji osi, fiksirano sprednje kolo,
natančna nastavitev za tek po ravnem, zadrževalni pas za zapestje, prosto
priložene sedežne prevleke za boljšo absorbcijo trka, mreža proti komarjem,
višinsko nastavljiva potisna palica, gumijasta palica in 5-točkovni varnostni


Dimensions: 97 x 58 x 100 cm
- Weight: 12,9 kg
Dimensions when pushchair is folded and without wheels: 72 x 53 x 33 cm
Please find a detailed parts list on our homepage


- Clean all parts with a damp cloth.
- Do not use any caustic cleaning or lubricating agents!
- An oil spray on the folding joints and the wheel bearings will guarantee
smooth running.
- You can wash the seat cover by hand at 30°.
Not suitable for a washing machine or tumble dryer!


The statutory provisions shall apply for justified complaints. As proof of
purchase, please keep the till receipt for the duration of the statutory period
of limitation. This term is 2 years *) and starts with the handover of the
product to you. Should any faults arise in relation to this product, they shall
involve any faults of material and manufacture that exist at the date of
transfer. Any claims shall be excluded for:
• Natural wear and damage due to excessive stress
• Damage due to unsuitable or improper use
• Damage due to faulty assembly and commissioning
• Damage due to negligent handling or maintenance
• Damage due to improper modifications to the pushchair
Faults must be notified immediately, so that no subsequent damage can be
A case for complaint or not?
• Most TFK products are produced to a large extent from aluminium and so are rust-
proof. However, some parts are also painted, galvanized or have other surface
protection. These parts may rust, depending on the level of maintenance and stress.
This can therefore not be regarded as a fault.
• Scratches are normal signs of wear and are not a fault.
• Moist textiles that are not dried can moulder and so can not be considered as a
production-related fault.
• The fading of colours due to sunshine, perspiration, cleaning agents, abrasion or
excessively frequent washing cannot be ruled out and so does not represent a fault.
• Please check carefully at the time of purchase whether all the fabric parts, seams,
press studs and zips are sewn and function properly.
• Worn-down wheels are of course a sign of wear. Damage due to external influences
is not a fault. Slight imbalances are inevitable and do not represent a fault. The
handover check must always be carried out to prevent inconvenient problems right at
the outset. If you find a fault at a later date, please notify your authorised dealer
immediately. He will then contact us to discuss the subsequent procedure. Any
deliveries to TFK that are unnotified or not prepaid will not be accepted.
*) valid only in the EU. In other countries according to the respective
warrenty terms.
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Este manual también es adecuado para:

Tfk x4

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