User Mode
Key A: Mode selection
Press key A to select the mode [press the key in sequence to cycle through the modes: Holiday mode, Min. mode, Med.
mode, OFF (if pressed for 5 seconds).
LED 1 switches on, the fans run at a speed 20% lower than the minimum. In this mode, boost is deactivated and bypass
LED 2 switches on, the fans run at minimum speed.
LED 3 switches on, the fans run at medium speed: Vmed = (Vmin+Vmax) / 2
Press key A for 5 seconds to go to OFF mode (all LEDs are off). Bypass is closed and motors are off.
Key B: Vmax mode
LED 4 switches on, the fans run at Maximum Vmax speed.
Key C: Alarm reset
Press key C for 5 seconds to reset the alarms indicated below.
- No alarm active: LED 6 off
- Non-locking clogged filter alarm: 6 slow flashing (0.5sec ON, 4sec OFF)
- Non-locking general alarm: 6 fast flashing (0.5sec ON, 0.5sec OFF)
- General blocking alarm: 6 on steady
Installer mode
The installer can adjust the minimum and maximum speeds independently before the supply motor and then for the
exhaust motor or set the default speeds.
The installer can enter into this operating mode by simultaneously pressing keys A and B for 10 seconds. All the LEDs will
flash 3 times and then switch off.
The supply fan will switch on at minimum speed while the exhaust fan will switch off. LEDs 6 and 2 will flash to indicate
minimum supply speed installation mode.
Key A: Installation mode selection
Repeatedly press key A in installer mode to select the minimum and maximum speed of the respective supply and
exhaust fans, in the following order: Vmin supply (LED 6 and LED 2 flashing) -> Vmax exhaust (LED 5 and LED 2 fla-
shing) -> Vmax supply (LED 6 and LED 4 flashing) -> Vmax exhaust (LED 5 and LED 4 flashing) -> all the LEDs will flash
3 times and then will subsequently exit from installer mode.
Key B: increase speed +
The sole function of this key is to increase the current speed selected with key A.
- Repeatedly press to increase the speed by 1 unit.
Key C: decrease speed -
The key has two functions: to decrease current selected speed by means of key A and, if pressed for 5 seconds, to re-
store default speed values.
- Repeatedly press to decrease the speed by 1 unit.
Default values:
Minimum speed %
Maximum speed %
Medium speed %=> calculated %