compressor is off), alarms that schedule its switching off (in this case
dealy time to switching off is not considered, but compressor has to
be off)
Smart Energy Management (SEM)
Fan is in SEM mode when temperature is smaller or equal than set
point of cooling – delta inhabitation (Fdi), it exit from SEM mode
when temperature is higher or equal than set point of cooling –
delta reactivation (Fdr). In SEM mode fan works for time of
reactivation (Ftr) and it is off for time inhibition (Fti), on other cases
fan is on. If heating mode, fan is on when heater is on and it will be
off when heater will be off too. At the moment of activation of fan
time inhibition is set to zero and counting restart when fan is
swiched off.
Moreover fan will be off only following cases: opening digital input
Remote enable, state unit OFF, (in this case fan stop after delay
time to swiching off and only if compressor is off), alarms that
schedule its switching off (in this case dealy time to switching off is
not considered, but compressor has to be off)
Condenser fan management
Control of condenser fan will be possible only when compressor is
working. As standard condenser fan has not control. If unit is
orderded with option Low Noise version condenser fan is under
logic "Control in pressure" and its speed will be proportional
controlled in according value of probe B4.
Moreover condenser fan will be switch off when: opening digital
input Remote enable, state unit OFF, alarms that schedule its
switching off. In case condenser fan is switched off it will switch off
with compressor.
Sequencing function
Sequencing allows communication between 2 units installed on
cabinet. Main functions: automatic rotation to balance working
hours, support in case is present an alarm on one unit that block its
functioning or temperature on cabinet is higher of threshold
temperature for support unit. To enable this function it is necessary
to connect sequencing cable on digital input in order to connect two
With parameter Пot (with value 0 function is excluded), rotation
hours, it is possible to set standard working time of an unit before of
the change/rotation of units. Parameter ПП, set first working unit in
sequencing, set which unit will start first. High pressure and
sequence phase alarms deactive DI4 and block that control actives
Modbus function
By serial port it is possible to read variables and parameters of
setup through supervision system protocol modbus RTU.
User menu
Label Description parameters
Set point
Main unit
Max time activation unit
Differential for unit on stand by
Label Description parameters
Changing of parameters
To see Set point: press and release key SET, set point will be display
immediately. To came back and see temperature, wait 5 sec or press
again SET.
To change Set point: press key SET at least 2 sec. Set point will be
display, led °C starts to flash. To modify value press key Up and
Down. To save new set point, press key SET or wait 15 sec to exit
from programming.
To change value of a parameter: to access programming mode, led
°C start to flash. Select parameter, press key SET to display value,
modify with key Up and Down. Press SET to save new value and pass
next parameter.
To enable function Smart Energy Management (SEM) or Smart
Energy Management2 (SEM2) modify parameter FCП (On-SE-SE2).
To enable sequencing modify parameter ПП for set main unit and
set rotation time Пot. With parameter Adr select serial address of
unit for connection Modbus.
High temperature (ALU): allarm in ON when internal temperature is
higher or equal than set point high temperature alarm, is OFF when
internal temperature is smaller or equal than set point high
temperature alarm – hysteresis high temperature alarm. For CVE60
could be due to incorrect phase sequence.
Low temperature (ALL): alarm is ON when internal temperature is
smaller or equal than set point low temperature alarm, is OFF when
internal temperature is higher or equal set point low temperature
alarm + hysteresis low temperature alarm.
High pressure (only CE version): when connected contact is open,
controller switches off compressor and
situation alarm is shown on display and digital output (general
alarm) is enabled.
Sequence phase: when connected contact is open, controller
switches off compressor, heater (if present), evaporator fan and
Default value
condenser fan. In this situation alarm is shown on display and digital
output (general alarm) is enabled.
35/25 (25÷45)
Temperature internal probe: in case prose is fault (short circuit or
interruption) control waits a time since event (10 sec) after switches
off all analogic and digital outputs of the devices: compressor,
heater (if present), evaporator fan and condenser fan. In this
Hysteresis / proportional band
Set point heater
Differential for regulation heater
Fan : control mode
Fan : Delta inhibition
Fan : Delta reactivation
Fan : Time inhibition
Fan : Time reactivation
Fan : Delay to switching off
Fan : decimal , integer
Alarm low temperature
Alarm high temperature
Serial address
Selection Baud Rate
Default value
condenser fan. In this