Positioning of gate/door
Unused parameter
Memorization of the motor stroke
Deletion of the radio receiver memory
Memorization of transmitters
Search and deletion of a transmitter
Resetting of default parameters
Type of coding of the radio receiver
Channel selection and linking to "start" and "pedestrian" inputs
Motor speed during normal stroke (calculated as % of max speed)
Motor speed during slow-down phase (calculated as % of max speed)
Slow-down duration (expressed as % of total stroke)
Unused parameter
Motor force in opening (if =100 --> max force, obstacle impact sensibility deactivated)
Motor force in closing (if =100 --> max force, obstacle impact sensibility deactivated)
Unused parameter
Unused parameter
Selection of type of external safety device: rib / barrier. If the "rib" mode is selected, when the CST input
is activated the movement direction is inverted; If the "barrier" mode is selected, when the CST input is
activated the movement is stopped.
Time of automatic closing (expressed in sec). If=0 the automatic closing is deactivated
Time of pre-flashing (expressed in sec)
Recording delay of closing limit switch: if= 1, when the door arrives on FCC, the operator stops after about
1 min. delay. If door arrives at the stroke while this delay, the operator immediately stops. Figure set by the
factory: "0".
Ramp rate duration
- If=0 the motor starts immediately at the selected speed
- If=1 the motor speeds up progressively until it reaches the selected speed