9. All: Put the spring 15 and support 14 on top of the tip cone and carefully insert the tip
cone assembly to the handle. Attach the tip cone by turning it first clockwise tight by hand,
then do the final tightening with the service tool.
10. Reassemble the tip ejector.
0.5-5ml & 1-10 ml pipettes
1. Press the tip ejector.
2. Rotate the tip ejector 10
counterclockwise to open it.
3. Disassemble the lower part of the tip
ejector 14 (snap fitting).
4. Turn the cylinder 13 counterclockwise
and pull out the tip cone assembly.
5. Remove the cylinder 13 by pressing
the snaps fittings of the cylinder.
5. Clean and regrease the O-ring 12 and cylinder 13.
7. Assemble the parts in the opposite order of disassembly.
Long-term service, multichannel pipettes
If the pipette is used daily it should be checked and lubricated
every three months.
1. Place the service tool head#1 between ring 15 and ejector 23. Push the tool
until the partssnap from each other.
2. Check that the ejector lever is in up position and pull down the tip ejector part
of the module. Place the service tool head#2 in the hole of adapter tube 46.
3. Open the upper end of the tip ejector slightly and remove the tip ejector.
4. Screw out the module of the handle.
5. Pull out the module spring 19 and clip 22.
6. Press the spring 13 and remove the locking pieces 12 from
the groove. Remove the spring 13.
7. Take off the locking claws 44 and 45 and pull out the adapter
tube and tube 43.
8. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws in the module cover and lift off the cover.
9. Remove the piston bar and clean the pistons and tip cones with a dry nap–free cloth.
10. If needed, service the tip cones:
16-channel 1-10µl: The tip cones cannot be serviced, please replace if necessary.
30-300 µl, 10-100µl & 5-50 µl: Open the tip cone by carefully releasing the cover ring from
its snap joint with the screwdriver. Remove all the parts from the tip cone. Clean all the
parts. If needed, replace the o-rings. Take one piston. Slide the spring 33, cover ring 32
(larger hole), spring 34, support ring 35, (o–ring 37 bigger 5-50µl/10-100µl) and o–ring 36
(smaller) onto the piston. Grease the o–ring with the lubricant provided in the pipette
package. Slide all the parts into the tip cone and close the snap joint of the cover ring.
1–10 µl: Open the tip cone by carefully releasing the cover ring from its snap joint with
the screwdriver. Remove all the parts from the tip cone. Clean all the parts. If needed,
replace the o-rings. Take one piston. Slide spring 33, cover ring 32 (larger hole), support 35,
o–ring 36 (bigger), o–ring 37 (smaller) and o–ring support 38 onto the piston. Then slide
spring 39, spring support 40 (sharp edges first) and o–ring 41 onto the o–ring sup port 38.
Grease the o–rings with the lubricant provided in the pipette package. Slide all the parts
into the tip cone and close the snap joint of the cover ring.
11. Install the piston bar with pistons and tip cones in the cover. Place aligning studs to the same
side when assembling the module. Close the cover with the four screws. Insert the clip 22.
12. Place the adapter tube and tube 43 on the neck of the module and insert the locking claws
44 and 45. Insert the module spring 19.
13. Insert spring 13 and locking pieces 12 to the piston rod 16.
14. Place the tip ejector on the module. Push the spring 19 inside tip ejector parts and close
the upper end of the ejector and keep closed with fingers.
15. Screw the module in the handle and tighten with service tool head#2.
16. Push the tip ejector lever down, until you hear a "click".