Bi-wiring is accomplished by connecting separate pairs of speaker cables to the terminals on the loudspeaker
from a single pair of connections on the amplifier. In the case of the Gold Series, the bottom terminals
connect to the bass driver(s) and the top terminals connect to the tweeter in 2 way loudspeakers, or the mid
and tweeter in 2.5 and 3 way loudspeakers.
NOTE: When using this method the terminal links MUST be removed.
Bi-Amping is the same as Bi-Wiring except you are introducing a second amplifier into the equation.
In order to Bi-Amp you must connect a set of speaker cables to the top terminals on the loudspeaker from
one amplifier and another set of speaker cables to the bottom terminals from the second amplifier.
NOTE: When wiring this method the terminal links MUST be removed.
Fundamentally a loudspeaker crossover varies the impedance seen by the speaker and by the power
amplifier. The situation is such that when the full range musical signal is applied to the terminals of a full-
range speaker system, the bass driver(s) only receives low frequency signals, the mid driver receives the mid
band frequency signals and the tweeter only gets sent high frequency signals. This means that if separate
speaker cables are connected to the low frequency terminals, and the high frequency terminals, not only
have the drive units and the frequency's directed and divided for them, but the two separate speaker cables
will now also carry different signals, the bass cable mostly the lows, and the tweeter cable mostly the highs.
Once the high and low frequencies have been separated in this fashion, the strong current pulses and surges
demanded by bass drivers when reproducing bass or drums, will not interact with the delicate sounds of a
flute or cymbal.
Gold Series