IMPORTANT: This Smart Controller receives updated irrigation schedules wirelessly from the ETwater Server
using cellular technology. The server sets the correct schedules based on the actual landscape type that is
programmed using ETwater Manager. The schedules automatically adjust according to changes in your local
weather. PLEASE NOTE: To take advantage of all the features the ETwater system offers the controller must
be registered and programmed using our web-application ETwater Manager.
VIEW PROGRAM: Displays upcoming
watering start time. Enter a station
number to view its irrigation schedule.
decrease run time for one station or all
stations. Enter a station number to
adjust run time for one station. Scroll
up or down to find the percentage
change you want to make.
scheduled irrigation. The controller will
continue to connect to the server to
receive irrigation schedule updates.
You can also suspend watering from
your ETwater Manager account.
SENSOR SETUP: Enables rain
sensor. If the rain sensor is enabled,
a sensor must be attached.
normally "open" or "closed" master
valve. Default setting is normally
NO CELL SIGNAL: This error occurs when the controller has not connected to the network tower in the area. If you are just setting up your controller, wait 45 seconds
after receiving the error, then press TEST DIAL again. During the connection, the display screen will read "Contacting ETwater, Downloading Data". A successful
connection message will display after the call has completed. Check all antenna connections if error still occurs after above step.
NO MODEM FOUND: This error displays if the modem has been dislodged from the main circuit board or the antenna is not connected securely. To clear the error, power
down the controller, gently remove the modem, check all the pins for any damage, reseat the modem, pressing firmly down to insure all pins onnect, then power up the
controller. Give the controller 45 seconds to completly boot up, then perform a test dial. If error percists the modem may be damaged. Contact ETwater Customer Service.
LOW SIGNAL STRENGTH: Low signal strength, anything below 10, can be caused by the antenna not being securely fastened to the modem, or the location of the
controller in relation to the closest cellular tower. Adjust the antenna in different directions to receive signal strength of at least 10. Any signal strength under 10 may not
consistently connect to the ETwater servers. If signal strength cannot be improved through adjusting the antenna your controller may require a high gain antenna.
OUTPUT FAILURE: When the words "output" failure appear on the screen that means either your base module or one of the expansion modules have been damaged.
Another cause is that the gray ribbon cable is not fully connected. To determine the cause first check the ribbon cable to make sure it is connected firmly at both ends, then
power cycle the unit. If the output failure is still on the screen remove each expansion module one at a time, power cycle the unit, and if the output failure does not return
you have found the module causing the problem. If the Output Failure returns then proceed to the next expansion module
VALVE CHECK: ETwater allows you to check all stations to confirm there are no open or short circuits. To complete a valve check, first select the down arrow button
and follow the instructions on the screen.
© ET Water Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
OFFLINE MODE: The controller can
be programmed to run in offline
mode so it functions without weather-
based updates. Offline programming
instructions are available in the user
manual that shipped with the
controller and found on our website
TEST DIAL: Initiates a connection to
the ETwater servers. After pressing the
Test Dial button, the cell signal strength
will display. If the signal strength is
sufficient, 10 and above press ENTER
to begin the connection. "Connection
Successful" will display once dial is
ETwater Customer Support
Phone: 888-685-5505
PROGRAM START: Run downloaded
watering program for one station or all
stations. Controller must be configured
online for this feature to operate.
MANUAL WATER: Run one station or
all stations for the specified number of
minutes. Use 'up' arrow button to select
"multi". In this mode, you can manually
water stations simultaneously.
Note: When watering stations
individualy, you can stack up to four
stations by pressing the 'manual water'
button after the duration is entered
ARROW KEYS: Use the 'up' arrow
button to view the last connection date
and time. Use the 'down' arrow button to
perform a Valve check to identify open or
shorted station wires.
Quick Reference V2.02 04/13