34573-05-CB 547 Brotbackautom.
which appears on the clock after it switches on automatically is the remaining bak-
ing time. The maximum delay is 13 hours.
If you work with the time delay option, do not use any easily perishable ingredients
such as eggs, fresh milk, etc.
Keeping the bread warm
Your bread is kept warm for 60 minutes after baking. If you would like to take the
bread out, switch the program off with the START / STOP button.
Warning display
If the display shows "H:HH" after you have pressed START, the temperature inside
is still too high. Press STOP, open the lid and let the machine cool down for 10 to
20 minutes.
The programs:
1. Normal
2. Schnellstufe
3. Weißbrot
4. Süßes Brot
5. Vollkorn
6. Kuchen
7. Teig
8. Backen
9. Marmelade
10. Sandwich
11. Rühren (Stir)
Inserting and Removing the Baking Tin:
Insertion: Insert the baking tin by turning slightly to the left (approx. 10°), pressing
lightly and then turning to the right until straight and fixed in position.
Removal: Turn the baking tin approximately 10° to the left and lift carefully.
1. Remove the baking tin
2. Place the kneading hook on the shaft
3. Place the ingredients in the baking tin.
It is 8:30 p.m. and you would like your bread to be ready the next
morning at 7 o'clock, i.e. in 10 hours and 30 minutes. Press the
"arrow pointing upwards" until 10:30 appears as the time bet-
ween "now" (8:30 p.m.) and the time the bread should be ready
is 10 hours and 30 minutes.
Kneading and baking
Kneading and baking in a few steps
Kneading and baking with a longer rising time
Kneading and baking of loose dough (raisin bread)
Kneading and baking in longer steps
Kneading and baking in a short time
Only kneading, no baking
Only baking, no kneading
Mix and heat (without timer)
Kneading and baking
Stir without heating
Baking of loaves
11.07.2003 12:17 Uhr
Seite 41