BS-15 offers an effective solution for pest bird control in environments
such as farms, countryside, vineyards, airports, ports, photovoltaic
plants and private companies, etc. BS-15
is an environmentally friendly product and does not hurt birds in any
way. An acoustic deterrent against birds is an effective method to create
stress and eliminate birds from all those places requiring protection
such as cattle farms, fruit-vegetable growing areas, vines, olive groves,
squares, balconies, gardens and in general all those places where pest
birds could cause serious damage or disturbance. In order to achieve
the best result, calls of distress and alarm, typical for each species,
have been included which means excellent results can be achieved.
The call is made at random times thus decreasing the likelihood that
birds become accustomed to it. This document will provide useful
information on the installation, maintenance and the optimal way to
use BS-15 in order to obtain the best results. Active monitoring and
management of BIRDSTOP BS-15 and knowledge of bird habits are
prerequisites for lasting results.
General information
Install and operate the device according to local regulations. The BS-15
is an acoustic deterrent and as a result it may disturb people nearby
when used at night time or during hours of rest.
Follow the instructions given in the manual for proper use.