< Cloud >
Add a cloud account to quickly and easily use cloud service on LG apps.
< Accessibility >
Use the Accessibility settings to configure accessibility plug-ins you have installed on
your phone.
NOTE: Requires additional plug-ins to become selectable.
< One-handed operation >
Dial keypad – Checkmark to enable you move the dial keypad to the right or left side
of the device. Simply tap the arrow to move it to one side or the other.
LG keyboard – Checkmark to enable you move the keyboard to the right or left side of
the device. Simply tap the arrow to move it to one side or the other.
Lock screen – Checkmark to enable you move the PIN Lock screen keypad to the right
or left side of the device. Simply tap the arrow to move it to one side or the other.
Help – Displays information regarding one-handed operation.
< Shortcut key >
Get quick access to apps by pressing and holding the Volume keys when screen is
off or locked. Tap the Shortcut key switch (Shortcut key switch image) at the top right
corner of the screen to toggle it On or Off.
< Security >
Content lock – Select lock types to lock files in Gallery. Choose from Password or
Encrypt phone – Allows you to encrypt data on the phone for security. You will be
required to enter a PIN or password to decrypt your phone each time you power it on.
Encrypt SD card storage – Allows you to encrypt SD card storage and keep data
unavailable for other devices.
Set up SIM card lock – Set up Micro-USIM card lock or change the Micro-USIM card