Addic�veness and toxicity
• Nico�ne is a highly addic�ve substance, it is not recommended to be used by young
people, non-smokers and those who are not already vaping. Once you have started
using nico�ne, you may find it hard to stop. Most people experience li�le benefit
from the use of nico�ne, so it is be�er never to start.
• Although the levels experienced during the use of this product should not be
dangerous, if you suffer persistently from any side effects, or experience significant
changes to breathing or heart rate, you should consult your doctor.
• Nico�ne is toxic if ingested (swallowed).
• Nico�ne-containing products should be stored out of the sight and reach of children
(and pets and animals).
This product does not contain an e-liquid when sold to the consumer. For a list of
ingredients of the e-liquid – see e-liquid informa�on.
Indica�on for delivery per dose
This product has been designed and manufactured to deliver nico�ne doses at
consistent levels during normal condi�ons of use, over the course of the expected
life�me of the SMOK product. Nico�ne delivery per dose will depend on the e-liquid
used. For e-liquid containing 3mg/mL of nico�ne: approximately 105 ug/10 puffs; For
e-liquid containing 6mg/mL: approximately 216 ug/10 puffs; For e-liquid containing 12
mg/mL: approximately 408 ug/10 puffs. This is an indica�on and es�mate only.
Medical Contact and Poison Center Informa�on
• For emergencies – including inges�on or swallowing of e-liquid – seek immediate
medical help at your local hospital's Accident and Emergency Department or
phone 999.
• Otherwise, for medical advice or informa�on you should contact your GP or NHS
111 (or NHS 24 in Scotland) on 111 (for 24 hour health advice).
• The Na�onal Poisons Informa�on Service in the United Kingdom is unable to
provide clinical advice to members of the public.
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