Navigation Specialist (NAV SPC) – "Target Oriented!" (Series 8830)
The Navigation Specialist is the person responsible for keeping the patrol on the designa-
ted route until the target is reached, keeping on track with the use of a map, a compass, and
GPS. They are a master in navigation – always oriented to the target. If necessary they are
able to change the route and still bring the patrol safely to their destination on time, always
bearing in mind that an error in the route calculation could have disastrous consequences for
the entire mission.
NAV SPC Watch Strap - Serie 8830
All maps have a scale which indicates the relationship between a certain distance on the map
and the distance on the ground. The map scale is usually located in the legend box of a map.
In order to facilitate navigation with a map, the newly designed watch strap of the RECON
Series 8830 features three common map scales which can be used to measure distances on
maps without the need of calculations.
The map scales in bold on the straps are the following:
1:100.000 – 1 cm = 100.000 cm (1 Km) on the map
1:50.000 – 1 cm = 50.000 cm (500 m) on the map
1:25.000 – 1 cm = 25.000 cm (250 m) on the map
Military maps are usually in scale: 1:50.000 and 1:25.000
The watch strap also features an inch/cm measurement and comparison chart.
The Nav Spc Serie 8830 comes with a small compass slided on to the strap.
"Conceived for military reconnaissance missions, but also a great tool for
orienteering and adventure hiking."
"Whatever your target or mission may be: a Luminox RECON Series watch is
a great instrument to aid in exploring your world." Andrea Micheli
Luminox – Essential Gear.