Linde − Your Partner
With over 100,000 fork lift trucks and ware-
house machines sold annually, Linde is one of
the world's leading manufacturers of material
handling equipment. There are many reasons
for this success: Linde products are renowned
not only for their innovative, cutting-edge tech-
nology, but also for their low energy and oper-
ating costs, which are up to 40 per cent lower
than those of their competitors.
The high quality of Linde products is also
matched by the quality of our service. With ten
production plants worldwide and an extensive
network of sales partners, we are at your serv-
ice round the clock and around the world.
Your local Linde partner can offer you a com-
plete package from a single source; ranging
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from expert advice on all aspects of sales and
service through, of course, to appropriate fi-
nance options. Our leasing, hire or lease-pur-
chase agreements provide you with the flexi-
bility to tailor decision-making to your individu-
al business requirements.
Linde Material Handling GmbH
63743 Aschaffenburg
Telefon +49 (0) 6021 99-0
Telefax +49 (0) 6021 99-1570