Forward Lean (Seated); Inclinaciones Hacia Adelante (Sentado); Appui Avant (Assis); Cat Stretch - Thane Fitness AB-DOer PRO Manual Del Propietário

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DESCRIPTIONS (continued)
Forward Lean
Inclinaciones hacia adelante

Appui avant (Assis)


By keeping your legs and pelvic/hip region pressed against the floor push your upper body upwards with your arms to allow
you to perform a backward bend from your lower back. Press yourself up as high as you feel comfortable then hold for a
count of 1-3 seconds then slowly lower yourself back to the floor; repeat 3-5 times. Never over extend and always perform
this motion slowly. This is a great movement for conditioning the abdominals with added benefits to the shoulders, arms,
chest and back.
6. FORWARD LEAN: [Seated]:
firm shoulder-width foot stance on the floor. Lift your chest so your back is upright and your
spine is erect then bend forward at the waistline allowing yourself to lean forward as far
as you feel comfortable and hold your deepest, most comfortable forward position for 3-5
seconds before returning to your upright seated position. Make sure you do not bounce. Do
this movement slowly as it may have a tendency to make you a little dizzy due to the lower-
ing then lifting of the head. Perform between 3-10 forward leans. This movement is great for
conditioning the mid-to-lower back and spinal column, the buttocks and hamstrings.


sobre una banca o silla, ponga los pies firmemente sobre el piso a una distancia
similar a la que hay entre sus hombros. Levante el pecho para que su espalda y
columna estén erguidas; luego doble el torso a la altura de la cintura e inclínese
hacia adelante todo lo que cómodamente pueda y mantenga la posición de mayor
inclinación durante 3 a 5 segundos antes de erguirse manteniéndose sentado.
Recuerde que no debe rebotar. Haga este movimiento lentamente pues suele
causar mareos debido los movimientos descendentes y ascendentres de la
cabeza. Repita la inclinación de 3 a 10 veces. Este movimiento es excelente para
tonificar la parte media e inferior de la espalda y columna vertebral, los glúteos y
ligamentos de las corvas.
6. APPUI AVANT [Assis]:
distance légèrement plus grande que la largeur des épaules, redressez la poitrine
de sorte que votre dos et votre colonne soient bien droits. Penchez le corps vers
l'avant au niveau de la taille en vous laissant descendre le plus loin possible et
maintenez la position pendant 3 à 5 secondes. Ensuite, remontez jusqu'à la
position de départ sans mouvements brusques. Faites cet exercice lentement, car
il a tendance à causer des étourdissements. Faites de 3 à 10 appuis avants.
Ce mouvement est excellent pour conditionner la région du bas et du milieu du
dos, la colonne vertébrale, les fesses et les ischio-jambiers.
Cat Stretch
Lay face down with the palms of each hand planted firmly onto the floor just lateral your chest.
While seated on a bench or chair obtain a
Tout en étant assis avec les pieds à une
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