Force PT113001 Manual De Operador página 9

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Operating Speeds
Operating Speeds
Set the variable speed thumb dial to
Operating Speeds
a speed to fit the job. To achieve the
Set the variable speed thumb dial to a speed
Set the variable speed thumb dial to a speed
best results when working with different
Operating Speeds
to fit the job. To achieve the best results when
to fit the job. To achieve the best results when
materials, the speed of the rotary tool
working with different materials, the speed of
working with different materials, the speed of
Set the variable speed thumb dial to a speed
should be adjusted. To select the right
the rotary tool should be adjusted.
the rotary tool should be adjusted.
speed for each job, we suggest you use a
to fit the job. To achieve the best results when
To select the right speed for each job, we
To select the right speed for each job, we
practice piece of material. Vary speed to
working with different materials, the speed of
suggest you use a practice piece of material.
suggest you use a practice piece of material.
find the best speed for the accessory you
the rotary tool should be adjusted.
Vary speed to find the best speed for the
Vary speed to find the best speed for the
are using and the job to be done. Needs
To select the right speed for each job, we
accessory you are using and the job to be done.
accessory you are using and the job to be done.
for slower speeds- certain materials
suggest you use a practice piece of material.
Needs for slower speeds- certain materials
(some plastics and precious metals for
Needs for slower speeds- certain materials
Vary speed to find the best speed for the
(some plastics and precious metals for example)
example) require a relatively slow speed
(some plastics and precious metals for example)
accessory you are using and the job to be done.
require a relatively slow speed because at high
because at high speed the friction of the
require a relatively slow speed because at high
Needs for slower speeds- certain materials
speed the friction of the accessory generates
accessory generates heat and may cause
speed the friction of the accessory generates
(some plastics and precious metals for example)
heat and may cause damage to the material.
damage to the material. Slow speeds
heat and may cause damage to the material.
require a relatively slow speed because at high
Slow speeds usually are best for polishing
usually are best for polishing operations
Slow speeds usually are best for polishing
speed the friction of the accessory generates
operations using the felt polishing accessories.
using the felt polishing accessories.
operations using the felt polishing accessories.
heat and may cause damage to the material.
Higher speeds are better for carving, cutting,
Higher speeds are better for carving,
Higher speeds are better for carving, cutting,
Slow speeds usually are best for polishing
routing, shaping,cutting dado or rabbets in
cutting, routing, and shaping cutting dado
routing, shaping,cutting dado or rabbets in
operations using the felt polishing accessories.
wood. Hardwoods, metals and glass require
or rabbets in wood. Hardwoods, metals
wood. Hardwoods, metals and glass require
Higher speeds are better for carving, cutting,
high speed operation, and drilling should also
and glass require high-speed operation,
high speed operation, and drilling should also
routing, shaping,cutting dado or rabbets in
be done at high speeds.
and drilling should also be done at high
be done at high speeds.
wood. Hardwoods, metals and glass require
high speed operation, and drilling should also
Accessory / Material / Operating
Accessory / Material / Operating Speed
be done at high speeds.
Accessory / Material / Operating Speed
Grinding Stones
Grinding Stones
Accessory / Material / Operating Speed
When using a grinding stone for the first time,
When using a grinding stone for the first time,
Grinding Stones
use the dressing stone to balance it and even
Grinding Stones
use the dressing stone to balance it and even
to give it a special shape if desired. Grinding
When using a grinding stone for the first
to give it a special shape if desired. Grinding
When using a grinding stone for the first time,
stones cover virtually every possible kind of
time, use the dressing stone to balance
stones cover virtually every possible kind of
use the dressing stone to balance it and even
grinding application from deburring, sharpening,
it and even to give it a special shape if
grinding application from deburring, sharpening,
to give it a special shape if desired. Grinding
desired. Grinding stones cover virtually
stones cover virtually every possible kind of
every possible kind of grinding application
grinding application from deburring, sharpening,
from deburring, sharpening, smoothing...
Grinding Stones
Aluminum, Brass
Felt/Polishing Wheels
The felt/polishing wheels need to be screwed
onto the screw mandrel. These felt/polishing
wheels must only be operated at lower speeds
and are largely used to bring metal surfaces to
a smooth finish.
Sanding Sleeves and Discs
These sleeves and discs can be used for any
small sanding need you may have. The
drum sander (drum and sanding sleeve) can
shape wood and sand inside curves or other
difficult places.
Speed Setting
-10 -
Felt/Polishing Wheels
The felt/polishing
Felt/Polishing Wheels
The felt/polishing wheels need to be
Felt/Polishing Wheels
screwed onto the screw mandrel. These
The felt/polishing wheels need to be screwed
The felt/polishing wheels need to be screwed
felt/polishing wheels must only be
onto the screw mandrel. These felt/polishing
onto the screw mandrel. These felt/polishing
operated at lower speeds and are largely
wheels must only be operated at lower speeds
wheels must only be operated at lower speeds
used to bring metal surfaces to a smooth
and are largely used to bring metal surfaces to
and are largely used to bring metal surfaces to
a smooth finish.
a smooth finish.
Felt/Polishing Wheels
Aluminum, Brass
Sanding Sleeves and Discs
Sanding Sleeves and Discs
Sanding Sleeves and Discs
These sleeves and discs can be used for
These sleeves and discs can be used for any
These sleeves and discs can be used for any
any small sanding need you may have.
small sanding need you may have. The
small sanding need you may have. The
The drum sander (drum and sanding
drum sander (drum and sanding sleeve) can
drum sander (drum and sanding sleeve) can
sleeve) can shape wood and sand inside
shape wood and sand inside curves or other
shape wood and sand inside curves or other
curves or other difficult places.
difficult places.
difficult places.
Sanding Sleeves and Discs
Aluminum, Brass
-10 -
-10 -
Speed Setting
Speed Setting
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